• Cleaning,  Uncategorized

    Quick Bathroom Cleaning Tips

    Quick Bathroom Cleaning Tips Among our numerous household chores, cleaning our bathroom seems to be the dreaded job that falls to the bottom of our list. Why? It’s a yucky job, but someone has to do it. Below are some quick bathroom cleaning tips that you can incorporate into your daily routine. More importantly, your family can help make it even easier for you. Quick rundown… * Take all of the trash out of the bathroom and put it in the garbage can. * Put all of the dirty clothes in the hamper * Use disinfectant to clean the sink, tub and counter. * Use a bathroom cleanser and your…

  • Family Corner,  Uncategorized

    How to Teach Children that the Bible is True

    How to Teach Children that the Bible is True What you call something is very important. As a parent, you were very aware of that when you named your children. Your children bear the meaning or the connotation of that name for life. The lines from Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet refer to this: “What’s in a name? that which we call a rose By any other name would smell as sweet.” The Bible places great importance on the meaning of names. Names were sometimes changed as the result of events. God changed Abram’s name to Abraham and his wife’s name, Sarai, to Sarah when He told Abraham they would be…

  • Time Management,  Uncategorized

    How to Say No And When to Say Yes

    Just Say “No” by Blair Massey What would you do if you were asked to chaperone your child’s field trip but your schedule was already full? Would you say yes and later regretting it? If you struggle with over-committing yourself there is a solution to your dilemma. Just say “No”. It is easier to do than you may think… Why is it Hard to Say No? Why is it hard for us to say no when we are asked to take on commitments that are more than we can handle?  The answer lies at the core of our being.  God designed us to be helpers.  However, when we take this…

  • Cooking,  Family Corner,  Meal Planning,  Uncategorized

    24 Reasons to Gather Around the Dinner Table

    Family Meal Time ~ 24 Reasons to Gather Around the Dinner Table How often does your family have dinner together? If you’re like most families nowadays, the answer is probably, “Not very often.” It’s understandable. Modern families are busy. Both parents work and sometimes get home at different times. Children have activities to go to, and Mom’s got to drive them all over the place. Really, who’s got the time and energy to even cook dinner every single night? You, that’s who! Eating together is good for you and your family. So you better make time and find the energy to make home-cooked meals and sit down and eat together…