“Those that be planted in the house of the LORD shall flourish in the courts of our God.”
~ Psalms 92:13
“I was glad when they said unto me, Let us go into the house of the Lord.”
~ Psalms 122:1
Today is the Lord’s Day. My feet are going to be planted in the house of the Lord today.

It’s a privilege that we should
NOT take for granted to go to the House of the Lord. We should be “
glad” to go.
I know Satan really tries hard to discourage us from being glad about it. He tries to whisper in our ear excuses
NOT to go. Chaos seems to happen right when you’re trying to get ready to go to church. There are times when you huff and puff just getting out the door. Our attitudes and hearts are not in the right spirit by the time you get there. But go!
I know for moms there are times that we must stay home with the sick children. Sometimes illness creeps up on us. I believe the Lord understands that. But, don’t let anything stop you from going to church when it’s within your power to go! Determine to plant your feet in the House of the Lord today to be blessed.
Day 17
Please ask the Lord to give you a
right spirit and an
open heart to receive His Word as you go to church today. Our Heavenly Father wants you there, so He can calm your nerves and help you adjust your attitude so that you can get what you need from the Lord today.
Use the Altar. I don’t think Christians use the altar enough. I love running to the altar to pray. It’s ones of the best places to pray. The timing is perfect as well. Immediately after the Pastor preaches and your heart is tender and open to the Lord’s will is one of the best times to pray.
I imagine some Christians don’t go to the altar because they’re afraid that people will think that they’re some big sinner and going up there to repent. Satan loves when we think this way because it keeps us away from the altar.
My pastor encourages us to use the altar. He says there’s
two reasons to go: Because you need to and because you don’t need to. You see there’s many needs we have in life to pray about, so go pray about them. And if you feel that you don’t have any issues at stake, then there’s a good reason to go to the altar, too! Go to the altar and praise and thank the Lord that’s He’s blessed so much that you have all your needs met…that your family knows the Lord as their Savior, that you’re all healthy, etc.
God bless your day!
~ Rhonda White]]>