• Image title text the best talent you should obtain
    Devotionals,  Free Devotional Outlines

    The Best Talent You Should Strive to Obtain

    Here’s a good question to ponder right this moment…Could we trust God fully if He wasn’t so faithful? As we read through God’s Word, we can see that He NEVER has failed — and that He has ALWAYS been faithful to His Word. And He ALWAYS will! David himself experienced God’s never-failing faithfulness… “The testimony of the Lord is sure” – Psalm 19:7 kjv“Thy testimonies are very sure” – Psalm 93:5 kjv(*Sure= Unfailing, infallible, faithful) Many of you have a diversity of gifts or talents in life. (Or, perhaps you may feel sort of like I do, in that I lack much in the talent department. Ha! ha!) But, I…

  • Just Believe God - devotional title image
    Devotionals,  Free Devotional Outlines

    Just Believe God

    II Chronicles 20 is one of those epic chapters that’s stuffed full of lessons to be learned. For your time sake, I will try to get directly to the main points. In the beginning of the chapter, we see that the children of Moab and the children of Ammonites (a great multitude) united together to battle against Jehoshaphat, king of Judah. (vs. 1,2) Was Jehoshaphat’s first response to this situation, “I’m going to show them who they’re messing with!”? No, his first response was just like our own human flesh would respond. He had FEAR. Most of the time, we’re going to have this same fleshly response because life can…

  • devotional image: step away step away
    Devotionals,  Free Devotional Outlines

    Step Away! Step Away!

    *Reference for Bible reading: John 4:46-53 Shortly after Jesus had arrived in Galilee, a nobleman from Capernaum journeyed nearly 40 miles in pursuit of Jesus’ help. We don’t know much about this man (other than he was a man of noble rank), but we do know the story is important enough to be recorded in our Bible history, which tells us there is some important biblical truths to learn from the story. Today, I’m focusing on just one simple truth. This nobleman’s mission was an urgent matter, something especially dear to his heart. He had a very sick son. With the upcoming Father’s Day this month, I think he might…

  • Title Image: Our View Versus God's View
    Devotionals,  Uncategorized

    Our View Versus God’s View

    Monday morning, as my hubby and I were traveling, the weather was grey, wet and drizzly. It wasn’t the picture-perfect-sunshiny kind of day. The gloom weighed upon us while driving, and yet, there was a sliver of peace resting in the atmosphere. I looked far ahead to view the horizon. There in the long distant, you could see the sun shining radiantly. There was a town or city, numerous miles ahead, that was enjoying a bright, gleeful day. This reminded me of life’s trials — our view versus God’s view. Although we may look at the gloomy present surrounding us, God clearly sees what’s ahead to give us an expected,…

  • Devotionals

    Your Understanding Might Miserably Fail, and Here’s Why…

    As a young teen my grandpa suffered many physical ailments.  It was tough to see him suffer so much.  I certainly did not understand why God let him go through so many difficulties. My grandpa’s testimony through this suffering; however, spoke VOLUMES about his FAITH.  The nurses and doctors who treated my grandpa became well-acquainted with his faith in Jesus Christ.  (Praise the Lord!) On one particular day, he was given bad news concerning cancer growing vastly in his body. Little hope was offered from the doctor and staff.  With his upbeat FAITH he let the staff know that God could –and would heal him! To the doctor’s and nurses’…