• Cooking,  Saving Money,  Thrifty Moms,  Uncategorized

    How to Eat Well on an Extremely Tight Budget

    to skip meals or living on gruel, but it doesn’t have to be that way with these great money-saving food tips. 1. Buy potatoes in bulk. So that they will last much longer, pop an apple in with them to prevent them from sprouting. 2. Overfill your kettle for the cups of tea you plan to consume. Use your leftover boiled water for cooking vegetables…it’s faster and cheaper to boil lukewarm water than cold water from the faucet. 3. Make your own lunches. Making your own sandwiches for work is much cheaper than grabbing a ready-made one. Take a look at the nutritional information on fast food and you will…

  • Saving Money,  Thrifty Moms,  Uncategorized

    More Thrifty Tips and Ways to Save Money – 35 Helpful Tips

    I had a funny thought as I sat down to drink my coffee this morning while checking my email…I thought, “Wow, I feel like ‘old stale toast’.”   Then, I chuckled to myself about the “old” part… I didn’t just feel like ‘stale toast‘ but ‘OLD‘ stale toast.  Where did I get such a thought!   Oh well, there are days that I’m not so “peppy” in the morning and that was just a thought that came to my head. Ever have mornings like that?? Okay, it’s been awhile since I’ve done one of my “magazine style” posts…and today I’m ready to conquer that on the topic of saving money & being…

  • Deal of the Week,  Marriage,  Thrifty Moms,  Uncategorized

    [Announcement] Bundle of the Week SALE – Ebooks on Christian Marriage

    “Spice up your love life — in the bedroom and out — with this week’s ebook bundle, which includes 5 faith-based ebooks for married couples.” This week, my ebook “Christian Woman’s Guide to Romance on a Budget” is for sale (Limited time — this week only) with this ebook package! Please take a peek at all the topics available and grab this package.  Click here to check it out. Grab ALL 5 ebooks for only $7.40! ]]>

  • Miscellaneous,  Quick Fixes,  Saving Money,  Thrifty Moms,  Uncategorized

    Thrifty Moms – Double Duty Household Items, Boost Family Income, Hidden Cash, No Cook Dinners

    Today was the first day of our new school year…2013-2014! We didn’t get to do a real thorough job with my family coming in from out of town for a visit, but we made a start and sort of went over this year’s routine, etc.  So I’m thrilled to have officially started our new year! Our tradition still goes on…. We always celebrate the first day of school — and so we devoured a chocolate cake that was snatched from one of Dillon’s discount shelves. What’s in store… For all you thrifty moms out there… this post is meant to spark some creativity of your own…so do share your OWN…

  • Cleaning,  Kitchen,  Kitchen Tips,  Miscellaneous,  Thrifty Moms,  Uncategorized

    Seven Crazy Uses for Your Common Household Items

    “The heart of her husband doth safely trust in her, so that he shall have no need of spoil.” ~ Proverbs 31:11 I’ve had a blast today creating graphics for this topic on repurposing household items. I hope you’ll feel free to share your own ideas in the comments section below, or share it on my Facebook page here:  https://www.facebook.com/herChristianHome You might want to take another glance at some common items in your home – they may have a crazy or unusual use that you’ve maybe never thought of before!  Don’t you love it when you save another dime or dollar?  Your hubby loves it too when you’re thrifty. Here’s …