• Do it Yourself,  Managing Money,  Thrifty Moms,  Uncategorized

    Take the Thrifty Challenge

    Take the Thrifty Challenge Proverbs 31:13 says, “She seeketh wool, and flax, and worketh willingly with her hands.” One way we can save more money at home is by expanding our knowledge and abilities. With 3 boys and 1 husband, I knew the cost  of haircuts would really add up over a year’s time.  With much practice, I have learned how to cut hair decently enough to pass as a fair haircut.  Perhaps there’s something that you can take time to learn to do that would save money for your household.  There is a wealth of information and numerous step-by-step videos online for almost any project you would like to…

  • Managing Money,  Thrifty Moms,  Uncategorized

    3 Easy Ways to Be a Thrifty Wife and Mom

    3 Easy Ways to be a Thrifty Wife and Mom As I was praying today what I should write about for “Thrifty Thursday” (as sort of my weekly theme),  the Lord brought to my mind Proverbs 12:27 which says, “The slothful man roasteth not that which he took in hunting: but the substance of a diligent man is precious.” How does this verse tie in with thriftiness? Have you ever brought home a bag of potatoes and then ended up having to throw half of them out because you avoided peeling and cooking them?  How about a meal that you actually made and you put some of the leftovers in…