• How to Save Money on Laundry
    Frugal Living Tips,  Saving Money

    14 Ways on How to Save Money on Laundry

    Today, I’m going to share some tips with you on how to save money on laundry, but first let’s discuss the topic of doing laundry… Some people love the experience of doing laundry, while others don’t like it so much.  Me… I’m sort of in the middle. I’d rather not have to do it, but with the modern-day conveniences of having a washer and dryer doing most of the work, I just can’t complain too much.  The hard part is actually folding your clothes and putting them away, right? The best tip I have with keeping up with your dirty laundry is to have a set day each week to…

  • Saving Money,  Thrifty Moms,  Uncategorized

    Stocking Stuffer Ideas – For the Thrifty Christmas Shopper – FREE Today!

    Download this list of Stocking Stuffer Ideas to keep handy! This past week I’ve taken hours to research and compile a list of stocking stuffer ideas that are especially suitable for those who are on a budget. I really wanted it to be available for a FREE download on the morning of Black Friday, but it didn’t happen due to some unforeseen delays. However… since most people probably haven’t gathered all their stocking stuffers yet…there’s still time to grab this handy list to plan your Christmas shopping. Perfect Christmas list of stocking stuffers for thrifty shoppers!  Free Today! [Download it now on Amazon] to your Kindle (You don’t have to…

  • Saving Money,  Thrifty Moms,  Uncategorized

    More Thrifty Tips and Ways to Save Money – 35 Helpful Tips

    I had a funny thought as I sat down to drink my coffee this morning while checking my email…I thought, “Wow, I feel like ‘old stale toast’.”   Then, I chuckled to myself about the “old” part… I didn’t just feel like ‘stale toast‘ but ‘OLD‘ stale toast.  Where did I get such a thought!   Oh well, there are days that I’m not so “peppy” in the morning and that was just a thought that came to my head. Ever have mornings like that?? Okay, it’s been awhile since I’ve done one of my “magazine style” posts…and today I’m ready to conquer that on the topic of saving money & being…