• FREE home organization series
    Cleaning,  Home Organization Series

    Home Organization Series – The Family Room – Day 4

    Day 4 – The Family Room Today we are tackling one of the messiest rooms in the house. The Family Room. Take a deep breath and let’s get to it!! Grab four tubs or boxes and label them: “Toss”, “Donate”, “Keep” and “Relocate”. Keep is for items that will stay in this room. Relocate is for things that need to go somewhere else in the house. Starting in a corner, work your way around the room. Clear off the top of each horizontal surface and empty out every drawer. Put the items in the appropriate bins. (Toss and Donate are self-explanatory.) ==>> Be strict with yourself about what you keep.…

  • Recipes,  Thrifty Moms,  Uncategorized,  Videos

    8 Thrifty Moms Frugal Tips, Homemade Cleaning Recipes

    The heart of her husband doth safely trust in her, so that he shall have no need of spoil.  Proverbs 31:11 Are things tight budget-wise for you?   I know things have become a lot tighter for my family as my hubby switched to a lower paying job position so that he could be able to attend all our church services and activities.  It’s been worth the sacrifice, but we have to be very frugal. Here’s 8  frugal tips to implement: Food – Where to Cut? Perhaps one of the greatest chunks of household income goes to buying groceries. Keep the following things in mind as you give your food…

  • Cleaning,  Daily Events,  Kitchen,  Uncategorized

    Did You Know November 15th is Clean Your Refrigerator Day?

    Time to add a job to your “To Do List!“ Yes, Tuesday, November 15th Really is… “Clean Your Refrigerator Day” I’m not makin’ it up.  Thankfully, I’m already ahead of the game.  I started last last week trying to tame the scary contraption that dwells in my kitchen.  Nothing makes me feel so at ease in the kitchen than having a clean and organized fridge. I would like to challenge everyone here to take some action too! So, what’s lurking in the back of your fridge?  Speak up! (Don’t feel bad, I had some old moldy, gravy…Yuck!) Here’s a video I found about keeping your fridge clean and organized.  (If…