• Easy Garlic Herb Whole Roasted Chicken Recipe #chickenrecipes #roastedchicken
    December,  Recipes

    Easy Garlic-Herb Whole Roasted Chicken Recipe

    This flavorful chicken recipe is a true home run. It’s the perfect choice for a nice Sunday dinner with friends and family… or even for the holidays. Plus, you can use the leftovers to make a delicious homemade chicken stock or shred the remaining meat to use in a quick soup or salad recipe the next day.  The onion in this recipe serves two purposes: It raises the chicken out of the juices while it cooks, and it imparts a lovely flavor to the pan sauce. If you would like to omit the onion completely, you can replace the onion slices with ovenproof metal cookie cutters to lift the chicken…

  • Free Christmas Printable #freeprintables #christmasplanner
    December,  Free Downloads,  Freebies

    Free Christmas Printable Planner Available for Members

    I’ve just completed a FREE Christmas Printable Planner, plus Christmas Cooking: Meal Ideas for Christmas Day Now, I do realize that this is super late, BUT, I wanted to complete it anyway because I will be updating this planner each year and adding more to it.  So, the first year is essentially the hardest part of the labor and updating it will be much easier. *The Christmas planner ended up being almost 70 pages!  LOL  *SIDENOTE:  There are just a few printables related to the “Santa” theme.  Although we did not do the “Santa” thing at our house when my boys were little, some people do participate in this. So, I…

  • Easy Wedge Salad With Homemade Blue Cheese Dressing Recipe #wedgesalad #bluecheesedressing
    December,  Recipes

    Easy Wedge Salad with Homemade Blue Cheese Dressing

    I love a simple wedge salad.  Although I do not eat this type of salad regularly, it does add a nice, special touch. (Kind of like going out to eat…you like something a little more different than what you normally eat on a regular basis.) This hearty salad can serve as a satisfying light main course on its own – or it can be paired with a simple chicken dish, such as Oven-Roasted Chicken Drumsticks with Roasted Root Vegetables, or  instead of roasted vegetables you could add a simple side dish of streamed broccoli for a more well-rounded meal. Featured Product: (My referral link) Salad Cutter Bowl,ESEOE Upgraded Vegetable Cutter…

  • Loaded Avocado Baked Eggs #eggrecipes #avocadorecipes
    December,  Recipes

    Loaded Avocado Baked Eggs

    My hubby and I like avocados… I mean we REALLY like avocados. Do you??  Unfortunately, we usually only eat them when they’re on sale because in our area they are quite expensive, especially when you’re trying to keep a fairly tight grocery budget. This delicious breakfast dish looks as good as it tastes. As a bonus, you won’t need to dirty any pots or pans to prepare it if you microwave the bacon rather than fry it. There are a couple of “tricks” to perfecting this recipe… For starters, use large avocados and medium-sized eggs. Otherwise, the egg white may overflow the avocado. Cracking each egg into a small bowl…