This post is written by Trishia Crabtree and shared with her permission. I have never done this before in my life or have been so transparent, but here goes…Please wait until you have time to sit down to concentrate on this with a cup of coffee (or a Mt. Dew! There have been several things that God has been dealing in my heart about recently. My husband and daughter, Scott and Brooklynn, contracted Covid when they were in South Africa. When Scott eventually came home after 36 days and one week of ICU, I noticed that something was different—he was a changed man. Not that he was bad before,…
Giving the Gift of Love to Your Enemies
This is a GUEST POST by Briana Parsons Matthew 5:44 says, “But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them that which despitefully use you, and persecute you.” It’s not pleasant to think about, but everyone has enemies. From small to old, weak and strong, we all have that one person who seems to make life miserable. That one person who causes our heart to ache. That one person we can hardly stand to look at, let alone think about. An enemy. In looking at our verse, an enemy is defined in a strong’s concordance…
Planning a Christ-Centered Christmas
SIDENOTE: The Audio only captured the “50 ways to offer your love to the world this Christmas.” Sorry for the inconvenience. Christmas isn’t really about all the food and presents… although those things are so much fun to enjoy. The very truth is — there would be no Christmas without Christ. As we grow older, we may get so caught up in the busy schedules of attending events and buying presents for everyone on our list that we soon lose sight of the real meaning of Christmas. Yes, Christmas has become so commercialized that we hardly remember the true GIFT of Christmas. God came to the world, as Christ, and…
A Mini Bible Study on Submission
All Bible verses in this Mini Bible Study are from King James Bible. The word submission usually makes us feel uncomfortable. And sadly, in this present day, many Christians have followed the worldly idea that submission is oppressive. Jesus Christ demonstrated the perfect example of submission to the Heavenly Father when he said, “Father, if thou be willing, remove this cup from me: nevertheless not my will, but thine, be done.“ – Luke 22:42 I have never really covered the topic of submission before because I don’t feel like I’m the best example. I do remember when I first got married, I shared with a close (single) friend about the…
Learn Contentment All Year Long
In November, we often start thinking about being more thankful. Some of us may write in a gratitude journal to keep a visual record of the things for which we are grateful. Today, I want to chat specifically about “contentment.” Contentment is a state of being satisfied with one’s current situation. It doesn’t necessarily mean you are “thrilled” with your circumstances, but you make a clear, mental decision not to be miserable or unhappy. Contentment, from a Christian perspective, means that you decide to carry on with the lot that God has allowed to come into your life. You are probably familiar with the popular Bible verse, First Timothy 6:6…