“Delight thyself also in the LORD; and he shall give thee the desires of thine heart.” Psalms37:4

Good morning! This evening is another day that I’m looking forward to meeting in the “House of the Lord.” Where else would one rather be when the church doors are open? I hope the answer is nowhere else!!
I’m so grateful to my parents, who raised me to be faithful to attend church each week. There was NEVER a lingering question, “Are we going to go to church today?” It was simply understood and mentally placed on “agenda list” just as you planned to eat breakfast, lunch or dinner.
You have to wonder if Christians really “DELIGHT” in worshiping and serving the Lord.
Whenever baseball, football, a TV program, a birthday party or sleeping in takes first place over going to the House of the Lord to worship, then I think NOT that they truly “delight in the Lord.”
The verb DELIGHT means to “please someone greatly,” “to take great pleasure in,” “to give joy or satisfaction to.”
You see, Psalms 37:4 makes it clear that we’ll be blessed when we have such a determination to please the Lord. When we’re more concerned about pleasing Him, we’ll walk according to His commandments. When we LOVE the Lord Jesus, we’ll obey His Word.
Of course, blessings come our way when we have such a walk with the Lord!
The desires of our heart changes as well…
Sometimes we interpret that God will give us ALL the DESIRES of our heart if we’re trying to do right; however, I believe the closer we delight in pleasing the Lord, our desires become more in SYNC with His desires.
We’re not just dreaming about a diamond ring or a brand new luxury car…we’re desiring to have what God wants for us.
Yes, God also delights in giving us those “little things” that brings us joy, so please do not misunderstand me. We are human and have earthly needs and desires.
We certainly won’t make it very far without shelter, food, water and clothing, etc. And, I do believe that our Heavenly Father delights in giving us those extra things that we enjoy, but let’s be more generous today…. Let’s give MORE to our Heavenly Father of ourselves and our time!
- Time in prayer
- Time in Bible reading
- Time in worship in the Lord’s House
- Time in sharing the gospel
- Giving of our tithes and offerings
Let’s truly “delight ourselves in the Lord” by taking pleasure in serving the Lord. We OWE it to Him for all that He’s done to freely give us Salvation.
God bless your week ahead,
Rhonda White
*Updated 7/9/19 — Originally posted September 8, 2013
It is such a blessing to know that there are Women of like faith out there! God used your devotional this morning to speak to me. I run an assisted living business, I have triplets two just returned home from college, one who has been in a real spiritual battle, having been battling with anorexia and self harm, now is pressing charges after counseling made clear that she had been molested multiple times between the ages of 5-8 needless to say Alot trying to take my mind and focus off of my Lord and Savior then I read this. Thank You
Rhonda White
Jody, wow, you’re certainly facing a mountain of a trial…thankfully God is greater and more powerful enough to handle any situation if we let HIM do the work of solving it. I’m saying a word of prayer on your behalf right now. God bless you!