November Events
November 2nd (Monday) – Deviled Eggs Day
** November 11th (Wednesday) – Veteran’s Day
November 17th (Tuesday) – Homemade Bread Day
** November 21st (Saturday) – National Adoption Day (Saturday before Thanksgiving)
** November 26th (Thursday) – Thanksgiving
November 27th (Friday) – Black Friday Shopping Day
For more fun things to celebrate with your family check this link: http://www.holidayinsights.com/moreholidays/november.htm
November Free Printable Calendar – 2015
*Includes Free Thanksgiving Printable
Click Here to View & Print Now

November Focus:
Overcoming Big Fat Lies We Tell Ourselves
We women tell ourselves many things that are not the truth. Some of these things become real issues that we battle in our lives and often lead to depression. This month take some time to dig deep in your life and see if there are some lies that you need to stomp on and destroy.
This is my comfort in my affliction: for thy word hath quickened me. – Psalms 119:50
Lies that people tell themselves…
“I have no real purpose in life.” You are here for a reason! Ask God to direct your steps. Let Him do the leading and He will show you what His will is for your life. (Proverbs 16:9) What are your strengths? What are your interests? God often uses our strengths and interests in some special way…He works through us…We become a useful vessel for His glory. Any talents we have are given from the Lord. Happiness only follows when we yield completely to His will. You can never do better than the will of God!
“Things are never going to change.” Never is a long time…and it’s an attitude that lacks faith. One thing is certain though: things won’t change if you continue to do the same things over and over. As far as the situation depends on your participation, things can transform if you are willing to keep trying and depending on God’s help. The actions of others can’t be controlled but your actions (and reactions) are still important to consider. Don’t forget that counseling with your Pastor can help you talk things out and help you can gain some godly advice and insight on your situation. (Without hope you can become depressed. Keep your faith!)
“I have to do everything myself.” Spoken like a true nurturer, this is the motto of many women, mature and young. Just because people depend on you doesn’t mean that you have to handle everything all alone. Share the responsibility. As a mom, learn to delegate some of those tasks to your kids (and if necessary, chat with your spouse about your needs to see where he might be willing to share the load.) One way that kids learn responsibility is through chores and other household jobs. (If you’re a single mom, reach out to family and friends for support.)
“I should be over this by now.” Some life lessons take longer to complete. Give yourself a break. Just because someone else mastered grief or problems in five easy steps doesn’t mean it will be the same for you. Each person handles stress, grief, success and trials in their own way. Don’t add pressure to your situation by comparing your needs to those of others. Do memorize and study more of God’s Word. His Word comforts and fulfills our needs.
“I’m not being brave if I am afraid.” The definition of courage is to face a situation even though you are afraid. It is the fear aspect that drives a person to make a decision and move one way or the other. Fear can sharpen the senses and divide the necessary from the trivial. It can put your life into perspective like nothing else can. This all comes from facing your fear and not letting it run roughshod over you.
Asking for help is brave. Going to the doctor when you feel a lump is brave. Letting go is also a brave act. There are many ways to be bold in life and all of them usually involve some level of fright or terror. It is the unknown that gets the best of us sometimes, but it doesn’t have to define us or our response.
There is always the chance that something will go wrong. That’s life. Once you have accepted that, move on to consider what can go right… let God do the leading. Let God do the leading. Let God do the leading!
Have a great November! 🙂

November Shopping

Buying fruits and vegetables in season saves money, and it’s also healthier since it’s the freshest! 🙂 Here’s a list of seasonal ones for you. (Of course, what’s available in your location may vary.)
November Fruits and Vegetables
broccoli cranberries mushrooms oranges pears pomegranate pumpkins spinach sweet potatoes tangerines winter squash
Best Purchase Deals in November
Bridal Apparel & Accessories, Candy (Leftover from Halloween), Cookware, Grills, Holiday Gift Sets, Large Appliances, Silverware & Serving Supplies, Turkeys, Vacuum Cleaners, *Watch for Black Friday/Cyber Monday deals (*laptops & computers, TVs, etc.)

November’s Learn Gardening 101
Tip: Now is a good time to plan for your gardening next spring. Order seeds and draw up a new gardening layout plan. Check to make sure you have all your gardening supplies organized for next spring so they’ll be ready to use without searching and digging through clutter.
Top Four Tips for Harvesting and Storing Fresh Herbs
Growing herbs or buying them fresh is a healthy and tasty way to use these plants. But harvesting and storing them at the correct times and using the best methods is important for success.
Here’s four tips for harvesting and storing fresh herbs.
1. Watch your Timing
When it comes to harvesting herbs, timing is important. With some herbs, like lemon balm, you can get several harvests out of them. Other herbs, like basil, like to be cut back frequently all summer.
Here’s some general rules for timing:
* Herbs that grow quickly, like mints, can be harvested in early summer, mid-summer, and again in early fall.
* Slower-growing herbs may be harvested in mid-summer. They need time to recover and put out new leaves before frost, so if you harvest them too late in the year they may be killed by the frost (even if they are perennial).
* Harvest in the mid to late morning, right after the dew has dried on the leaves.
* If herbs are woody or turning bronze or yellow, you may get bitter or unpleasant flavors.
* Flowering herbs can be harvested right after the first bloom to give the foliage a chance to grow back.
* For cooking with fresh herbs, you can snip off what you need as you are preparing your meal – any time of year.
2. Be Careful on Cutting
When you cut herbs during the growing season, don’t cut them down to the ground. Leave some of the stem and at least a few leaves so the plant can regrow.
3. Store Fresh Herbs Correctly
Fresh herbs need moisture, cool temperatures, and air circulation to stay fresh for a few days after being cut. One of the most effective methods is to cut the bottom of the stems and set the herbs upright in a plastic tub or glass jar. Pour in a quarter inch or so of water. Then loosely cover the top of the herbs with a plastic bag and refrigerate.
4. Consider the Best Long-Term Storage Options
You can freeze or dry herbs for long-term storage. Some dry better than others.
Basil and chives, for instance, are better frozen; when dried they tend to lose flavor. Sage and mint are perfect for drying.
To freeze, lay herbs on a sheet of wax paper that’s approximately twice as long as a zip-top plastic bag. Lay the herbs on half the wax paper, and then fold the other half over the herbs. Slip the package into the plastic bag, suck out the air, seal, and freeze.
To dry herbs, hang them by the stems upside-down for several days in a warm, dry area. Attics are great for this. After a few days, lay out sheets of newspaper and strip the crisp dried leaves from the stems. Store the leaves in jars or zip-top bags.
Herbs are wonderful medicinal and culinary additions to your diet and home healthcare arsenal. These tips should help you get the most out of them.
November Cooking Recipes
Featured Recipe: Oven-Roasted Butternut Squash with Olive Oil, Garlic and Parsley
Squash has some amazing health benefits as they rich in carotenes that can protect against cancer. Here’s a great recipe to put some delicious butternut squash at your dinner table.
1 large butternut squash
2 tablespoons olive oil
1 clove of garlic
1/2 tablespoon dried parsley
Pepper, to taste
Preheat oven to 400F.
Peel the squash and cut it into 1 inch cubes. It’s important the cubes are fairly small, so they will cook thoroughly in the process.
Mince or finely chop the garlic clove.
Place the oil, parsley, garlic and pepper in a large bowl and mix well. You can add other seasonings too and feel free to add your own flavoring ideas. Add the squash to the bowl and stir until all the pieces are fully coated. Transfer the squash to a shallow oven-safe pan. Place in oven for about 45 minutes.
Makes about 5 servings, depending on the size of your squash.
More Recipes… From Featured Bloggers
“Craig absolutely loved these and he isn’t one for pancakes. They are a thinner pancake, but the flavor is outstanding.”

Award Winning Chili Recipe
This Chili Recipe won me 1st place at a fund raising Chili Cook Off the last 2 years (2011 and 2012). I beat out 11 other Chili’s with this recipe last year and 8 other chili’s this year.”

Vegan Cauliflower Soup
“This vegan cauliflower soup is also entirely flour free as it only uses blended vegetables to thicken it. So no gluten or grains either – perfect for those of you on gluten-free and paleo diets (just make sure to use coconut cream for paleo).”
November Super Easy Craft Ideas

Gratitude Jar – Free Card Printables
Bountiful Fall Baskets

DIY Fall Mini Stacker
November DIY Video Corner
With the thought of Christmas soon approaching, I’ve picked a DIY video featuring a gift you can make for Christmas presents.
[embed]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ii0nlzU6Zr4&feature=youtu.be[/embed]November – Cleaning Projects for the Fall Season
Cleaning Projects for the Fall Season
November Health Focus

Why Adding Probiotics to Your Diet Can
Improve Your Health
Have you considered adding probiotics to your diet? Probiotics come in a variety of delicious foods. Some of these foods include sour pickles, sauerkraut, Kombucha tea, and yogurt.
Probiotics have helped many women feel better and have improved their digestive and immune systems.
What can probiotics can do for you?
1. It helps improve the health of your urinary tract system – Probiotics will help prevent any bacteria from invading and damaging your urinary tract system.
Getting a urinary tract infection can be painful and uncomfortable, and often means a trip to the doctor. Your doctor usually prescribes antibiotics, but there’s always a chance that it will return. By adding probiotics to your diet, you can stop it from recurring.
Not only do the probiotics ward off any infections, they also help the system to maintain the good bacteria.
2. Women reap rewards by taking probiotics – Sometimes a woman’s normal bacterial flora may get off balance. This can lead to an increase in urinary tract infections described above as well as vaginal issues. When not taking a wholesome amount of probiotics, women can experience yeast infections and bacterial vaginosis.
*Pregnant women are at an even greater risk at getting vaginal infections, which puts them at risk of having a premature labor.
3. It improves prenatal health – Probiotics should be used by expecting mothers because they are very helpful to unborn babies. The use of probiotics while pregnant provides the baby with vital health benefits.
Some of those health benefits include reducing the chance of getting eczema and inflammation of the skin, and a decrease in the chances of babies having allergies.
4. It boosts your immune system – Consuming foods rich in probiotics can help your body to maintain a healthy intestinal foundation. Enthused immune responses have been shown with the incorporation of probiotics in your everyday lifestyle and diet.
5. It fights obesity – When wanting to lose weight, you should add probiotics to your daily diet. This is because by adding probiotics, you can help boost your usual bodily functions that can help to stimulate weight loss naturally.
6. It improves digestive health – This is one of the greatest advantages of taking probiotics. Antibiotics can destroy the good bacteria. But when probiotics are taken daily, the amount of good bacteria in your body increases.
Having healthy bacteria in your body is needed to help maintain a healthy digestive system. Lack of good bacteria in your body can result in diarrhea, constipation, and cramps.
With the use of probiotics, chronic issues like irritable bowel syndrome can improve tremendously.
Adding probiotics into your diet makes your body healthier and helps it function more efficiently. Consumption of probiotics has been shown to help relieve symptoms for many sicknesses.
Featured Product: (My amazon affiliate link)
#1 BEST Probiotic Supplement – 60 Day Supply with 100% Moneyback Guarantee – Improve Digestion, Bowel Regularity, & Increase Energy with the Most Potent Probiotic Available (1 Bottle – 60 Day Supply)
Wow, great resources here! Thanks!
Rhonda White
Thank you, Tawni…and thanks for stopping by.
Wow! There is SO much good stuff in here! I was especially intrigued by taking the time to combat lies we start believing. A few of those are lies that I have begun believing but would love to take your encouraging words to face them with truth. Thanks 🙂
Rhonda White
Thank you for stopping by to read my post… I truly appreciate your comment (that’s an encouragement to me) and I’m so thrilled to encourage you as we all have discouraging times when we hear the lies of Satan instead of the truth and hope that God gives to us.