Whereas ye know not what shall be on the morrow. For what is your life? It is even a vapour, that appeareth for a little time, and then vanisheth away. – James 4:14
Everyday is a gift from God…
Sometimes we fail to really enjoy the day because we’re so busy fretting about all the little things that aren’t “just right”. Ten years from now will you even remember that on this particular day your toast wasn’t crispy enough?
Everyday is a gift from God…
We may waste away our precious day by spending most of it grumbling about little things instead of being grateful for what we have. Take a moment to think about God’s blessings. You CAN’T even count them all!
Everyday is a gift from God…
We may harbor ill feelings against others who have done us wrong. Life is too short to waste it away on resentment. Forgiveness benefits you as well as it does the one you resent.
Everyday is a gift from God…
It’s up to YOU to make it sweeter. It’s up to YOU to make the most of it. Spend it wisely. Share a smile everywhere you go. Make others around you feel loved so that they’ll see Christ’s love through you.
God bless your day head,
A Poem:
Life is Too Short to Be Little
Small things ofttimes upset us
Things that we should forget;
Perhaps a friend is ungrateful
And we are inclined to fret.
A reward we may have cherished
To us has been denied
And we feel such disappointment
That our ambition almost died.
Someone may speak ill of us
Or criticize the things we do;
It leaves a sting that soon wears off
So, why should we feel blue?
We find ourselves here on earth
With a few decades to live,
Then why brood over grievances?
‘Tis better to forget and forgive.
Life is too short to be little
And over the small things fret!
‘Tis far better to live and be happy
And learn to forgive and forget.
– June Childress – June’s Favorite Book of Poems
One Comment
Thanks, Rhonda! So true!