• commit thy works unto the Lord Proverbs 16:3 kjv
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    How to Get a Big Appetite for the Things of God

    Revival doesn’t simply start in the church…it starts in each of our hearts.  The preacher can preach God’s Word until he’s blue in the face…but there’s no revival unless we yield ourselves and truly want a change. Monday night was the first night of our fall revival.  Pastor Rick Dawson, our guest speaker from Arkansas, preached an outstanding message to challenge us to separate ourselves from the world and say, “I want to be in the presence of God.” You see, we can’t have both.  Many Christians aren’t closer to God because they want too much to be close to the things of the world. But how do we start…

  • In my destress Psalms 120:1 kjv #Psalms
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    A Cry in the Dark [Trapped]

    Note: This story is a re-post from Jan. 5, 2014, and for those who missed it the first time around, I thought this story would be a blessing to you… By Author, K Reynolds I was only about four or five years old but I remember it like it happened yesterday. It was around 1965 and we were living in a house in Minneapolis that had been builtat the turn of the century. Like most houses from that time period, closets in bedrooms were either very small or non-existent. At some point in time, long before we lived there, a small closet had been added to the room which later…

  • God is our refuge and strengths Psalms 46:1 kjv #psalms #strength
    Devotionals,  Miscellaneous,  Spiritual thoughts,  Uncategorized

    When Should We Give Up and Seek God’s Help?

      Psalms 46:1 is one of my favorite Bible verses.  It’s a bold reminder that God is very present in our lives….and He’s there to help us in times of trouble. Sometimes we tend to rely on our “own strength” to get us through. We struggle and we worry.  We fret and we try to figure it all out. We lose sleep because our minds will not rest until we find a solution. Have you ever seen a stubborn toddler insist on doing something on their own? You know they really need help, but because of their fuss and insistence to “do it myself” you  let them struggle on their…

  • What time I am afraid I will trust in thee. Psalms 56:3 KJV #bibleverses #overcomefear
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    I Was Afraid… And What Happened Next Was Unforgettable

    When my husband was in Bible college, we had two sweet little boys. (I have three sons now — one in Bible college.)  My oldest at the time was a wobbly, little toddler, who was just learning to walk. My other sweet one was just a few months old who totally relied on mommy to tote him about everywhere we went. My husband went to Bible college during the day and afterwards worked from mid-afternoon until 2 a.m. in the morning.  No, we didn’t see “daddy” much during that time in our life.  Because we had only one reliable car, I walked to church services on Wednesday evenings and church…

  • A soft answer turneth away wrath: but grievous words stir up anger. Proverbs 15:1 KJV #bibleverses #proverbs #devotional
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    What’s the Best Answer for Facing Hostility?

    Pin it on Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/pin/138204282291986761/ What’s the Best Answer for Facing Hostility? Has someone become hostile towards you? Perhaps they’ve said some very cruel and hurtful words. It would be nearly impossible to get through life without facing some conflict with other people. [You would literally have to live in a place of solitude — a big box all by yourself, to avoid any conflict with others.] Because of our human nature, which tends to be selfish on it’s own and also harbors pride, people often find themselves in a heated argument or a “donnybrook.” [Yes, that’s a real word — I’m a nut for using the thesaurus or dictionary.…