My husband went to Bible college during the day and afterwards worked from mid-afternoon until 2 a.m. in the morning. No, we didn’t see “daddy” much during that time in our life. Because we had only one reliable car, I walked to church services on Wednesday evenings and church Soul-Winning on Thursdays. Thankfully, the church was not far at all — just across the street.
One Thursday evening, the snow began to fall heavily and became quite cold and icy. I peered out the window and began to cringe my face and fret as I reminded myself that I was scheduled to work the nursery for the soul-winning activity that night at our church….and so hiding away from the freezing weather was not an option.
Our church kept its doors open faithfully, and rarely did we have any weather severe enough that would alter such an occasion. So without much further thought, I prepared to venture out into the cold, snowy weather to fulfill my duty in the nursery.
When I stepped outside of our apartment and realized how terrible the weather had become — and how slippery the main street appeared to be, I began to be quite afraid. I certainly did not want to fall while walking my babies across that busy street.
Despite circumstances, I headed toward the curb to wait, when suddenly an elderly gentlemen appeared. (Truthfully, it amazes me that I could have passed him without having seen him.)
He seemed quite stable for his elderly age and had such kind eyes. He offered to help me across the street and assist me by carrying my toddler who was too unstable to walk on his own. I hesitated. Never having seen this man around our apartments before cautioned my willingness to comply.
My only immediate action was to glance around and try to access the situation. There a short distance away, I saw an elderly woman who gave me a gentle, encouraging smile. She glanced back at me with approving eyes, and gave me an ever-so-slight nod, as if assuring me that it was okay to trust. This must be his wife, I pondered. And suddenly I felt a peace overcome me — I felt confident enough to venture across.
My heart had so quickly turned from fearfulness to a moment of calmness. God had sent someone to assist me across the street. We were safe and sound!
Once I arrived at my destination, it was understandably clear that the weather had become so terrible that our soul-winning activity that night had to be canceled. A faithful couple from the church drove us back home, and so we once again escaped the fearsome street.
I know we all face times when we feel afraid. We feel uncertainty. We feel fretful.
When we feel afraid, we need to pray and ask God to help us. It might seem such a common sense thing to say… but we must take action with our fears.
We must claim God’s Word and recall His promises. Let’s remember the verse, Psalm 56:3, that encourages us, “What time I am afraid, I will trust in thee.”
There is no difficulty or obstacle too huge that God cannot overcome. Let’s venture forward this week and years to come trusting faithfully in the Lord and hearkening to His Word!
Have you ever felt afraid and God sent peace to your heart? I’d love to hear from you; comment below to share your thoughts.
What time I am afraid, I will trust in thee. – Psalms 56:3
For He shall give His angels charge over thee, to keep thee in all thy ways. They shall bear thee up in their hands, lest thou dash thy foot against a stone. -Psalms 91: 11, 12
Laura Sampson
Ahhhhh. . . .that was a really cute story.
Thanks, Laura, for stopping by to comment. I thought some more on this and realized that in all numerous months I had crossed that busy street with my little ones there had never once been anyone there asking to assist me, until the night that I needed it. God is so good!
That was a blessing, Rhonda.
Rhonda White
Thank you so much, Brenda! I appreciate your encouragement and for stopping by to read and comment.
I love when the Lord fulfills his promises in our lives and sends others to help us. We should ever be mindful to try and be that vessel of the Lord and ready always to try to be that vessel that God can use to show himself to others through our lives also. I appreciate your testimony Ms. Rhonda and I love your sweet dependence upon our Heavenly Father. It shows through the life of your son as I am privileged to watch him grow while here at Bible College, when it is real in our lives, it becomes real in their lives. He has such a sweet spirit about him.
God Bless you sis!
Rhonda White
Thank you, Rebecca… your life and your family have also been such an encouragement to me — and I know you all have definitely been through some valleys of having to totally depend on the Lord.
And truthfully there is no greater joy than to know that your children walk in truth…and serve the Lord. I know yours are doing so! Thanks so much for your encouraging words. 🙂
Joyce Morton Strickland
Only God could have made this happen. Daily miracles. This Psalm has been with me since I was a young girl. Passed it to my grandson facing wrist surgery tomorrow.
Joyce, thank you for sharing your comment. Praying all goes well with your grandson’s surgery.