“Be still, and know that I am God: I will be exalted among the heathen, I will be exalted in the earth.”
~ Psalms 46:10 kjv

This morning as I prayed about what to present to my readers today on prayer, Psalms 46:10 came to my mind. There are times where nothing needs to be said. We just need to get quiet, be still and let God do the talking so that we can take time to listen.
With the computer and all the gadgets we carry around to “
stay connected” with everyone else, we often get “disconnected” with our Heavenly Father. So find a time and place each day that you can get quiet and clear away all the distractions. Pray and read your Bible and let God speak to you.
When our problems are huge, we need to get still and “remember” that God’s bigger than any of our problems. He’s going to get glory and be exalted among the heathen. He’s going to use “us” to do that. When we tell others about how God answered a prayer, we’re exalting Him. When we praise God for the little blessings that come our way, others hear this and it exalts our Heavenly Father.
Day 21
Don’t forget to get “still”. Work on making a daily habit of clearing away the distractions so that you can get “reconnected” with God.
God bless your day ahead!
~ Rhonda]]>
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