Homemade Break Making Tips –
Friday’s Freebie (No email address required)
Table of Contents:
How to Measure the Ingredients…………………………9
How to Measure Flour Correctly………………………..10
Mixing the Ingredients and Making Dough………….11
Shaping the Dough…………………………………………..12
Kneading Bread Dough……………………………………..13
Greasing the Bread Pan…………………………………….14
Baking Bread Without a Loaf Pan……………………….15
Freezing the Dough………………………………………….16
Tips for Choosing the Right Kind of Bakeware……..18
Selecting a Bread Machine………………………………..20
How a Bread Machine Works…………………………….21
How to Slice Homemade Bread………………………….22
35 Bread Making Tips……………………………………….23
Helpful Resources……………………………………………29
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I really love making bread, it is therapeutic for me. I like to make 6 loaves at a time, have one fresh from oven for dinner then freeze the other 5 loaves. I usually bake a loaf every Friday for Shabbat dinner, but this night we are having sticky buns instead! Nothing beats the smell of baking to make a house into home for you and your family!
It is wrong time on that posted it is only 6:24 pm here (we are on Pacific Coast) and we are waiting for my husband to get home to eat. Just in case you were wondering about why would anyone eat so late.
I bet your family really appreciates all that homemade bread! It’s so much more delicious than the store bought.
I know years and years back many women had a special day set aside to bake bread for the week. It sounds like you’ve got the knack organizing your time and keeping your home stocked with fresh bread.
Lol, some people really do eat very late. We usually eat around 5 to 5:30 p.m. I know that varies according to everyone’s own schedule.