Simple DIY Skincare recipes
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How to Make Your Own DIY Natural Skin Care Products for Pennies

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Simple DIY Skincare recipes

Making your own natural skin care products for you and your household is much easier than you might expect, and you can have lots of fun doing it! 

More than likely, you won’t need to go purchase extra ingredients to get started.  You can use staples directly from your kitchen cabinets such as olive oil, coconut oil, sugars, and fresh fruit to create many DIY natural skin care products quickly and efficiently right at home.

[Sidenote:] You can easily remove makeup with only coconut oil or olive oil, without mixing any additional products. However, you may also wish to try your hand at creating some of these natural skin care products that I’ve listed below.

Baby Wipes (Useful for more than just wiping babies! LOL)

Buy some soft microfiber cloths. If necessary, cut a bigger cloth to the desirable size for your need. Grab a container, such as a large plastic coffee ground container, then, mix together the following ingredients:

2 cups of distilled water
1 TBS (each) of aloe vera, olive oil, witch hazel, and liquid castile soap (my choice)
The oil from 2 Vitamin E capsules

Stack the cloths, put them in the container, and pour the liquid mixture over the cloths. You can stack them all the way to the top, leaving room for the lid to fit. Seal and flip over so that cloths soak up all the liquid. Keep sealed between uses. Toss each cloth into a diaper pail or laundry.

*TIP: If you and your family don’t have allergies, you can also include some essential oils to add a nice fragrance.  Add about five to ten drops to the mixture above.

Face Cleaner

The truth is, to clean your face you don’t actually need a lot of ingredients. Take a container and mix together:

1/4 cup extra virgin olive oil
3 drops lavender essential oil
1 tablespoon liquid castile soap (my choice)

(*This recipe will also remove makeup very well.)

*TIP: If you’re having issues removing makeup from your eyes, use plain olive oil. It washes off easily and leaves your skin smooth.

Body Scrub

The best thing to use for body scrub is sugar. Sugar dissolves faster than salt and is much friendlier on your skin.
It’s very simple to make this body scrub.  Find a small glass jar container with a lid. Add:

2 parts sugar
1 part coconut oil
Three to four drops essential oil such as lemon, rosemary, or lavender.

Note: You may first wish to test a small area on your skin to ensure you’re not sensitive to the essential oil that you’ve chosen.

Mix it all together, and store in a sealed glass jar. No need to keep refrigerated, but if the weather is hot, you may prefer storing it in the fridge so that the oil stays more solid after mixing.

*TIP:  You can use granulated white table sugar, granulated raw sugar, brown sugar or whatever type you prefer – just NOT powdered sugar. Brown sugar will be the most gentle as the sugar is finer.

Face Mask

Masks are excellent to soften skin, tighten pores and more, but they can be costly. Thankfully you can create your own depending on your skin type.

* Moisturizing Honey Mask – 1 part honey, 2 parts plain yogurt. Mix together and apply to your face for about 20 minutes. Wipe off with a warm washcloth.
* Exfoliating Honey Mask – Mix equal amounts of oatmeal and honey. Apply to the face and let sit for about 20 minutes, then wipe off with a warm washcloth.
* Skin Tightening Egg Mask – Mix one egg white with 1 TBS lemon juice. Apply to your face and let sit for about 20 minutes. Wipe off with a warm washcloth.

Acne Treatment

This treatment will work for pimples and blackheads, but you should be careful how much you use because it can be hard on sensitive skin.

Mix together:

1 part olive oil
2 parts baking soda
2 drops thyme oil

Put this mixture directly on your pimples or blackheads after you wash your face. Let sit on your face for up to 10 minutes. Wipe off with a soft, wet and warm washcloth.

As you can see, there are so many things you already have in your home that you can use to make DIY Natural skin care products without breaking the bank or adding bad things to your environment or on your body.

Grab Your FREE DOWNLOAD for these Simple DIY Skincare Recipes (PDF)

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