Guest Post by Mary Sparks, Pastor’s Wife, Joplin, Missouri Count your blessings, name them one by one….. Have you had one today? two? three? more? Stop and just think about those “little things” that happen each day that we take for granted. Did the red light stop you and found you waiting? Perhaps you missed an accident ahead that you might have been in had not the light turned red. And how about the food you eat each day? The farmer labored hard to raise that crop, to harvest it, and then to bring it to market, just so that they could supply the supermarket, and thereby you have food…
A Lesson From David on How to Present Ourselves Before God
Psalm 40 has been a real blessing to me this week. As I discussed this chapter with my sons, I explained how David set a good example for us on how to present ourselves in prayer to the Lord. To keep my devotional short, I will not be discussing every verse, but there are a few Bible verses from this chapter that I specifically wanted to share with you… 1. David Dedicates Praise to God We should come before God’s presence with thanksgiving and praise (Psalm 100:4). In Psalm 40, we see that David dedicates some of his psalm to expressing his praise to God. “Many, O LORD my God, are thy…
Free Prayer and Bible Reading Schedule Software
Watch my video below as I walk you through how to use this software to create your own customized Bible reading schedule and prayer list. Quote from my journal: Begin EVERYDAY by focusing on ONE question: “What would Jesus do?” DAILY make yourself available to God with the purpose of honoring Him with your life. Here’s the link to the free prayer and bible reading schedule software: >> Let’s know what type of Bible reading plan that you like the best. I’d love to hear what works well for you. 🙂
With God There Are No Surprises
Sometimes I love surprises… That is, “when” they land in my own favor and advantage. For example, a short while back my hubby brought me home a white rose with baby’s breath. It was totally unexpected because it wasn’t my birthday or anniversary. It was certainly a nice, little surprise. Some surprises aren’t so delightful. They feel like life just threw you a huge curve ball and landed painfully in your gut. The unexpected can cause havoc and make you feel that life’s spinning out of control. We might look up in exasperation and a questioning look. “Did you see that God? Why did this happen? Why did you ‘allow’ this…
Facing Trials In Life… You’re Not Alone
Guest post by Kristina Duncan, Pastor’s Wife Victory Baptist Church, Pleasant Prairie, WI The Book of Psalms has been such a huge encouragement to me over the years. During this season that is designated by the world as Thanksgiving, I can’t help but think of the verses in Psalms 107:1,2, “O give thanks unto the Lord, for he is good: for his mercy endureth for ever. Let the redeemed of the Lord say so, whom he hath redeemed from the hand of the enemy;” It seems that no matter who I talk to, wherever I go, it is pretty much the same story. I have heard of so many Christians…