“But this I say, He which soweth sparingly shall reap also sparingly; and he which soweth bountifully shall reap also bountifully.” – 2nd Corinthians 9:6 (KJV) I read this Bible verse at the beginning of this year. It is a popular verse, and you’ve probably read it several times in the past as well. To get a full glimpse of its context, we can look at the next couple of verses… “Every man according as he purposeth in his heart, so let him give; not grudgingly, or of necessity: for God loveth a cheerful giver. And God is able to make all grace abound toward you; that ye, always having all sufficiency…
Turn Your FRET into FAITH
You are probably familiar with the story of Hannah, who had been barren, but earnestly wanted children. Peninnah had children but Hannah had none. I Samuel 1:6 (KJV) says, “And her adversary also provoked her sore, for to make her fret, because the LORD had shut up her womb.“ We learn from this Bible verse that Hannah FRETTED about her barren situation, especially because of Peninnah. Do others make you FRET? Sometimes we FRET because we compare ourselves to others. We may feel like we’re doing something wrong since the Lord hasn’t blessed us in the same way. Or, we may FRET because others criticize or hound us about our…
Let’s Sail into Fall with Fearless Faith
The self-help industry has blossomed big time in the last 10 years or more. If you walk into a bookstore, you’ll see tons of self-help books lining the shelves. Why? Because people want to better themselves. They want to conquer their life obstacles. We should be extremely cautious about intaking and adapting most of the worldly philosophies pushed our way. For example, “Just follow your heart, and you’ll do the right thing” is catastrophic advice. God’s ultimate authority says in Jeremiah 17:9 (kjv), “The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it?” Following your heart will possibly lead you astray big time! Our heart is…
Faith Still Moves Mountains
References today are from Matthew 21:18 to 22 KJV One morning, Jesus was hungry. Since he had no earthly home during his ministry years, he gazed around looking for breakfast. There nearby, Jesus saw a fig tree. When he wandered over to the tree, anticipating fruit, he observed that it was only sporting leaves. There was not a single fruit found growing on it. What a disappointment in a fruit tree! QUESTIONS to consider: Are we like this fruit tree? Are we growing spiritual fruit in our lives? Are we sharing the gospel? Jesus then said to the tree, “Let no fruit grow on thee henceforward for ever.” And immediately the…
Let This Be a Reminder to Praise the Lord, Even in the Wilderness
In Psalm 107 we read of the Israelite people, who wandered in the wilderness (vs. 4) and experienced many distresses. I would say that with the current situation in our world today, many of us are facing some stressful situations, such as sickness, health issues, jobs, finances, loss of loved ones, tension and stress from political issues, and for many Christians, persecution is prevailing. Psalms is a great book to read at times like these, when we are faced with fear, frustrations, hurt and stress. Psalm 107 emphasizes FOUR times that God’s people cried to the Lord, and God delivered them out of their distress. “Then they cried unto the…