• Family Corner,  Personal Talk,  Time Management,  To Do List,  Uncategorized

    Do You Need More Time? 5 Tips for Using your Time More Efficiently

    To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven:  ~ Ecclesiastes 3:1 (KJV) Time is precious.  Time is valuable.  You can’t regain time once it’s gone. As women we have many responsibilities to maintain, so we must manage our time well. Here’s five tips for using your time more efficiently: 1. Ask God for Wisdom. We need wisdom on how to manage our household, our kids, our daily schedule.  Start your day in Bible reading and prayer.  Ask God for more wisdom.  The Bible says we just have to ask for it. If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God,…

  • Crafts,  Family Corner,  Kids,  Quick Fixes,  Recipes,  Uncategorized

    4th of July Decorations, Food and Activities

    July 4th Decoration Ideas Flags – You can hang a real flag or even a red, white and blue windsock. If you do hang a flag, be sure that it doesn’t touch the ground. Decorate your yard – Add a few accoutrements to your flower garden to subtly accentuate the outside of your home. Patriotic pinwheels interspersed among the flowers can dazzle passers-by. If you are having a get-together at your home, kids can take the pinwheels with them at the end of the event. Red, white and blue centerpieces – For your dining table and also outdoor patio tables (if you are having guests over), welcome the celebration with…

  • Children's Activity Ideas,  Family Corner,  Uncategorized

    Family Game Time Can be Educational!

    Family Game Time Can be Educational! During the Black Friday sales, I picked up a brand new game of Monopoly. I was excited, because as a teen, I loved to play this with one of my friends….we played for hours….and I would keep loaning her money just to keep the game going.  (Just to let you know,  that’s against the rules, but apparently, I didn’t read the Monopoly rules too well at that age. lol) Now back to the present: Since it had been years since I played, I sort of dreaded the first time we were going to play.  We sat there intently reading through every rule and then…