This is a guest devotional by Kathy McCullough
A little over a year ago in the early morning hours, I was reading my Bible as I do each morning. It was still dark outside and I had opened the living room blinds to watch the sun come up
As I was watching the sun peeking through the trees with all its colorful glory, I was also reading the Proverb chapter of the day. It was talking about wisdom.
I could not help but see how the faithful sun that comes up in the morning was just one of the faithful ways that God shows us WHO HE IS and His great Wisdom!
God is faithful, the Bible says HE is!
God helps us in our problematic times by giving us light to know what to do.

Psalm 119:105 says, “Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path.”
God gives us LIGHT through His Word to see, whereas people who do not trust God walk in darkness and cannot see.
John 1:5 says, “And the light shineth in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not.”
Their problems tend to get darker. I want to walk in the LIGHT of God’s Word and shine for Him, that is my defense in this life.
Psalms 7:10 says, “My defense is of God, which saveth the upright in heart.”
Sometimes, the night can bring fear, but the light will dispel that fear. While watching the sun come up and reading my Bible, I stopped and penned this metaphoric poem, which really sums up this devotional.
In a display of glory and painted hues
That speaks of eternity—an earthly clue.
The sun blazes up for me and you.
Lights sparkle on the dancing dew;
It is Wisdom calling to me and you.
Like a lion hunched to meet its prey,
Night is captured by the roar of day.
The dark is chased by each new ray,
And the dawn of colors has its say.
It is Wisdom revealing the way.
The sun is set on stage to perform
From the dark and gray of dungeon dorm.
The Light blazes through as sight is transformed.
The cold will flee and also the lukewarm.
It is Wisdom in its glory form.
The sun shouts out and night becomes morn.
The birds chirp in, little trumpet horns,
“It’s Day, it’s Day, the earth is adorned.”
The loyalty of Light is a forewarn.
It is Wisdom that needs to be born.
The defense of the sun is that it’ll shine
In a manifested time, line upon line.
The fruit will ripen as it hugs its vine.
But, night, again, will come to dine.
And, Wisdom, again, will wait to shine.
The day will not always have its due.
Our work on earth will one day be through.
And while the sun still arises anew.
We must to our Creator be true.
It is Wisdom calling to me and you!
Poem by Kathleen McCullough