We often gripe at our children for not listening to our “clear” instructions. “You’re not listening, Johnny! I SAID do it this way…” Then, we breathe out a loud, heavy sigh of frustration, and silently wonder ‘when is my child ever going to listen to me!?!’
Side note: It might be that our children are indeed listening, but taking action and doing what was instructed shows they are maturing and growing in character.
Sadly, many of us are still living an immature Christian life. God has clearly instructed us in His Word the things that we ought to do, yet, we don’t follow all the instructions. We clumsily walk through our daily life still trying to do things “our way.”
Can you just imagine God shaking His head and wondering when we’re going to listen AND follow His instructions?
We may sit faithfully in a church pew each week, but we might only be “hearers” of the Word if we don’t follow out God’s instructions for the rest of the week. Don’t be a Sunday-only Christian. Don’t be one who hears the Scripture and then goes on with life the same as before.
God’s Word should change our life! Each day. Each day we need God’s Word!
The plant that doesn’t grow probably isn’t getting watered and fed adequately.
If you’re one who tends to quickly forget what the sermon was about by the time you get home, try taking a journal to church and jotting down the main points and verses while your Pastor preaches. Then, you can review this during the week and ponder the things that were taught at church. Find ways to apply them during your week.
Let’s be doers of the Word!!
Remember today’s memory verse…
But be ye doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving your own selves. James 1:22
God bless you and your family,