Now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us, Ephesians 3:20My car was broke down for a couple of days…and hubby felt so relieved that he was able to repair it. (Nothing major, but still it was a scare…you never quite know what to expect when you peek under the hood. lol) Right now we’re enjoying some peanut butter cookies that my oldest son just made. We embellish them with a few chocolate chips for good measure – – they’re healthier that way. 😉 As promised, here’s the following Friday Freebie…. “Free Printable Menu Planners”
- [paiddownloads id=”3″] (PDF)
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Glad you had a good week! I have to laugh, though. On the email notification of your post the text was truncated and ended this way: “My car was broke down for a couple of days…and hubby felt so relieved.”
I was sure you were going to share a story about what a terrible driver you are and how happy he was to keep you off the road! LOL Very glad it wasn’t that and very happy to know the repair wasn’t a major one. Enjoy your weekend, and thanks for the menu planners!
I read your comment to my hubby and boys and we all had a real good laugh. Guess I can’t quite control what goes out with my email delivery as it only sends a “blurb” of the content…but that’s super funny. 😮
You enjoy your weekend as well!