Free Productivity Printable Planners #productivityplanner #freeprintables
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FREE Productivity Printable Planners

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Another new year is approaching! Let’s get excited together!  Planning a schedule and setting daily goals keeps you from wasting time. For this reason, I’ve created some FREE productivity printable planners for you. (See below this post!)

Every hour counts! I’m not suggesting that you’re so rigid with your schedule that you can’t afford to enjoy some downtime during the day or share fun moments with your children.

>> BUT, realize that being a good planner actually frees more time up for your family. You won’t have to find yourself running haphazard if you work on your daily tasks and goals efficiently everyday.

Some thoughts to remember on creating a schedule and daily goals:

* Be Realistic With Your Plans – Don’t over plan what you can reasonably accomplish in a day.  Always plan that you will have interruptions. Work with your energy levels, and plan to do the most when your energy levels are up and when you feel that you’ll probably have the least amount of interruptions.

* Set Time Limits – This is especially important for both tasks you dislike and tasks you like. You always have a risk of procrastination when it comes to tasks you hate by spending too much time on tasks you like.

* Eliminate Distractions – One of the biggest killers of any plan that you set are distractions such as television, interrupting phone calls, social media, and yes – children and spouses. While nothing is ever perfect, you can eliminate most distractions by planning ahead about how to deal with them.

Turn off the TV, turn off the phone, use social media only at certain times with a timer set, and enlist the help of your family  to meet some of your household responsibilities.

Some women are “do it myself” types, but as time goes and responsibilities grow, they may build up resentment for all the load that they carry.  Their family becomes accustomed to letting “mom” do it all.  Try to be reasonable on what you expect of yourself.  Don’t be afraid to let your family help.

>> And again, plan for interruptions!  I know I get frustrated when my schedule gets thrown off due to interruptions, but if I plan way too much to accomplish in a day without considering interruptions, then I will be frustrated EVERY SINGLE day!

* Differentiate Important from Non-Important Tasks – One of the hardest tasks when creating a time management plan is understanding what is important and what is not as important. If you make it a habit to do the most important things first, you’re going to feel more accomplished and get more done.

* Use a Calendar and Technology – Where would we be without technology? Using Google Calendar or another system synced to your phone is a great way to ensure that your calendar is always with you and that you don’t forget things. You can even set reminders and alarms to help.

>> Personally, I’m a paper person.  Are you? I like to write my to do’s and goals down on REAL paper! 🙂

* Eliminate Urgency from Your Life – This can be difficult but most things really aren’t as urgent as we make them to be.  Sometimes we can get overwhelmed because we didn’t get a load of laundry done,  or there’s an extra mess in the bathroom that didn’t get cleaned up before bedtime.  While we certainly want to be as diligent as possible, we need to realize that it’s not the end of the world when every single thing doesn’t get done. It will still be there tomorrow. (Unfortunately, lol)

> The main takeaway here is to really pinpoint your biggest top three or so priorities for the day, and make sure they get done first.

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* Create and Use Lists, Particularly for Bigger Projects – It is one thing to note on your calendar “work on project A” but it’s quite another to list exactly what you are to do during that time period on project A. This is the most effective way to schedule your time so that you meet your goals. Be very specific with lists so that no time is wasted.

* Create a Daily Action Plan for Goals – Do you want to read through your Bible this year?  Do you want to write a book? Do you want to memorize more Bible verses?  Add your goals this year to your daily action plans!

In ending this topic today on creating a schedule and setting daily goals, I want to share three quotes from my pastor, Jimmy McCullough, that I wrote in my Bible notes:

“All I got to get better at is allowing God to lead my life.”

“I’m more for JESUS THINKING than I am for POSITIVE THINKING!”

“God doesn’t need perfect people, He just needs yielded people!”

DOWNLOAD Your FREE Productivity Printable Planners Below (PDF)

Side note:  I created several different varieties so that you could pick and choose the ones that you like!  So feel free to download them ALL and use the ones you like the best.

Free Productivity Printable Planners #productivityplanner #freeprintables



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