Last week God graciously answered a couple of my prayer requests. God is so good! I’m going to share one of those answered prayers with you today.
What’s so great is that God answered a desire of mine with a specific fulfillment on His part. God cares about the little things…and is able to take care of ALL our needs… even if those needs aren’t always what we label as a “live or die” type situation. And, He can answer SPECIFIC needs and requests.
In the back of my prayer journal last Tuesday, I wrote down a couple of things that I would really like to have for some gardening work. One was a compost bin. I’ve been using a big plastic storage container for the last year and just stirring it with my little hand shovel.
I priced the compost bin I wanted, and let’s just say it was NOT cheap. But… I jotted this down in the back of my prayer journal anyway. When I wrote it down, I pictured the exact kind of compost bin I wanted. It would certainly make it easier to store my compost and turn the barrel over several times to stir all the dirt and grub around inside.
The next day, on our way to Wednesday evening church service, my hubby spotted a compost bin for sale on the side of the road. I was amazed…I couldn’t believe it! I couldn’t believe he even saw it because it was up on a little hill. We stopped by on our way home after church and grabbed this treasure for a very tiny fraction of the new price value. It was even delivered for us!
I’m sharing this because I want you to remember God still answers prayer…even the little desires of your heart. I know it’s not always a “yes” and sometimes we have to wait a long while. And then there are times that God decides to throw us a big surprise and answer immediately.
God cares about your problems — big or small. He is able to meet any needs that you have. Pray specifically.
We need to keep FAITHFUL serving Him. We need to totally trust Him to CARE for us. Let’s get busy PRAYING this week…and all the days to come.
Be careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God. Philippians 4:6
Casting all your care upon him; for he careth for you. I Peter 5:7
God bless your day ahead,
Thanks, Rhonda,I enjoyed it!
Rhonda White
Thanks, Brenda, for stopping by…and leaving me a comment. I always appreciate your friendship! 🙂
I was looking for a KJV Daily Devotional cite and I saw this and I want you to know how much I was encouraged. One of the things you shared, was you jotted it down…Wow!! immediately my mind went to the many times I have written my prayers word for word and I have been able to go back to them to see how even the small things that didn’t really matter that much became the things that were answered more quickly. He does hear us and he is concerned about our needs and wants. He is just like we are to our children except He’s much greater because He owns everything!! I believe in praying for specifics!! Thanks for sharing this today with others and myself. I have a couple special specific prayer request that I need answers for: 1) I have been under the weather for 4 days dues to fluid overload. The doctor says I am borderline CHF. I choose to believe I am healed from all infirmities because Christ bore the stripes for my healing. I would like for you to agree with me on a total healing for my body from head to toe. 2) I am 47 years of age and I started back to school last year at Toccoa Falls College and this semester, I am feeling rather defeated with the classes I have. Maybe it’s because I am not comprehending the class as well at this age or I just don’t understand because it is way over my head. What ever the problem may be, I need prayer to get me through this. Thanks again for sharing such an awesome devotion. As I cast my cares on him, I know he will lift this load from my heart and I will succeed. Thanks for your time and prayers!!
Rhonda White
Tracey, thank you for sharing all your thoughts and your prayer requests. I’ve added you on my prayer list for health and your classes. God bless you much! Thanks for stopping by to read and for taking time to comment.