Quick Bathroom Cleaning Tips
Among our numerous household chores, cleaning our bathroom seems to be the dreaded job that falls to the bottom of our list.
Why? It’s a yucky job, but someone has to do it.
Below are some quick bathroom cleaning tips that you can incorporate into your daily routine. More importantly, your family can help make it even easier for you.
Quick rundown…
* Take all of the trash out of the bathroom and put it in the garbage can.
* Put all of the dirty clothes in the hamper
* Use disinfectant to clean the sink, tub and counter.
* Use a bathroom cleanser and your shower spray to clean the tile inside the shower stall.
* Scrub the inside and outside of the toilet bowl with cleaner and brush.
* Clean the outside of the toilet bowl with disinfectant.
* Use glass spray to clean the mirrors.
* Sweep and mop the floor.
You’re done! Great job!
Now let’s discuss how you can keep your bathroom at this level of cleanliness…
1. Daily – Wash down the tiles with the shower hose, quickly wipe off moisture with a squeegee.
Set a time for everyone to do their showers. Some families prefer mornings; others prefer evenings. After showers are over, appoint a family member to wash and wipe down the showers.
2. Daily – Spritz down your bathroom facilities (tub, sink, toilet bowl and counter area) with a disinfectant spray and do a quick wipe down.
Doing this daily, should eliminate any scrubbing chores and help keeps germs to a minimum.
*Note: Check out our “Natural Cleaning Recipes” to make your own all-purpose cleaner that cleans & disinfects the bathroom too!
3. Ensure that the trashcan in the bathroom is lined with a plastic bag.
This will make it easier for you to remove the trash. I love using a white liner to create an appearance of cleanliness. Leftover Wamart bags work perfect for little trashcans.
4. Keep the bathroom cabinet under the sink well-organized and neat.
- Arrange the items so that you can easily retrieve them.
- Add hooks for your hair dryer and for any other appliances used.
- Buy a plastic box from your local dollar store and put all of the small items in it such as, curlers, pins, hair ties, and do the same for other items you may keep in there.
- Line the cabinets with Con-Tac to enable you to simply wash them down when necessary.
Bathroom cleaning doesn’t have to be a chore that takes hours of scrubbing and washing; daily upkeep is the key to eliminating extra work.]]>