Philippians 4:4 says, “Rejoice in the Lord alway: and again I say, Rejoice.”
I know I’ve already used this verse not too long ago…but I couldn’t help but feel that it was appropriate for me to use it again today. After all, the emphasis in this verse is to REJOICE again and again — and always. 🙂 And that means it’s perfect for everyday use.
To truly REJOICE daily, even when you’re facing trials, I believe you have to increase your faith in our Heavenly Father. This means that you and I need to keep trusting Him even though circumstances might be a little bleak.
REJOICING allows us to REST in God’s ability to work it all out on our behalf.
We need to trust that God is in control (always)… and understand that God sees the whole future picture and perfect plan even when the vision of our current predicament might be a little narrow.
Proverbs 3:5 KJV says, “Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding.”
You and I can choose to TRUST and REJOICE…and I believe this sets the wheel moving forward to creating the right attitude in our hearts.
A right attitude of gratitude helps us to keep REJOICING… again and again.
We have a reason to REJOICE because God loves us so much more than even any of our dear loved ones here on earth. (Christ’s sacrifice on the cross proves it!)
We can REJOICE because God is going to KEEP taking care of us. His faithfulness will NOT fail!
We can rejoice because our Heavenly Father has our BEST interest at hand. His intentions towards us are of peace and to give us an expected end. (Jeremiah 2:11)
We can REJOICE that God is NOT sleeping through our trials. He doesn’t sleep a wink, nor miss a thing! (Psalms 121:4) Nothing takes Him by surprise!
The trials of life are tough and discouraging sometimes. For me, it seems like a roller coaster of emotions. One day I might be up and another day I might be down.
It’s NOT God’s fault on the days that I’m down. When I take my eyes off of Jesus and place them on the scary waters around me, I will sink just like Peter did!
So today, write down Philippians 4:4 — keep it posted insight as a frequent reminder.
REJOICE when your casserole burns. It could have been your house.
REJOICE when you’re stuck in traffic… it could be that you’re avoiding a huge, unwanted wreck ahead.
NO, we don’t necessarily rejoice in painful moments and trials…but we can rejoice “IN” the Lord. He’s still in control.
REJOICE today, tomorrow… and every day…IN THE LORD.
The LORD is our main reason that we can and should REJOICE!
Here’s a FREE PRINTABLE GIFT for you with Philippians 4:4 KJV…
God bless you and your family,

Devotional Updated February 17, 2022 / Originally posted March 16, 2016