It was last Saturday that I had my first little meltdown about this whole corona virus quarantine situation…
I wasn’t crying over materialist things that I didn’t have or couldn’t have, but rather, it was the fact that life has changed so drastically. I wanted to go see my parents. I wanted to be in church and Sunday school. I wanted to go see the sweet people from our nursing home ministry.
Despite being an introvert, I WANTED to be around people!
It was shortly after this meltdown when I was scrolling through my Facebook feed, that I saw a grim photo that instantly stilled my heart and made it grieve.
It was a picture of several people, including teens, that had been hung for their faith.
My heart saddened, and at the same time I was instantly rebuked.
While I’ve been tucked away and protected in my own home, there, in another land, was my Christian brothers and sisters in Christ who had been martyred.
It could have been me. And oh, how my heart would have hurt so badly, had it been one of my sons hanging there!
These Christian people would have been so grateful to be in my place, protected at home and having the freedom to worship God.
God’s Word says…
“Let your conversation be without covetousness; and be content with such things as ye have: for he hath said, I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee.” – Hebrews 13:5 kjv

Today and everyday, let’s just be content.
When you practice being grateful for what you already have, you’ll have a better perspective in life…
You’ll be easily gratified by the promises of God, and all the things He’s done for you and given to you.
We can especially be encouraged by God’s Word when He says, “I will never leave thee nor forsake thee.”
That’s YOUR biggest blessing! You and I have God’s love and the free gift of eternal life!
Let’s use this time of being cooped up at home to keep growing spiritually and focus on the many blessings we have from God.
May God bless you and your family,
Rhonda White