I tested it out last night, and even though I didn’t get a snapshot of myself this morning, it worked out pretty well. I was able to sleep much better last night…especially compared to using the soft pillow rollers — it was a big improvement.
The curls were much tamer than when I use the rollers…which I also liked. The waves are practically gone now, but I have to say than I didn’t start off with fresh, clean hair. So, I’m washing my hair tonight and trying it again. I’ll update you on the results later.
Anyway, here’s a video tutorial on how to create your own heatless curls. (Please let me know if you test it out yourself and what the results are).
UPDATE: Here’s some pictures I took today. I started off with fresh, clean hair last night…slightly damp. Slept with the headband all night.
I suggest that if it’s too curly for your taste that you take out the headband a little early and let your hair settle for awhile before styling it and spraying it with hairspray.
Another idea is just to create a simple little “updo” and wear it up for awhile and then later in the day let it down for a more casual look, if you like.
What a neat way to curl hair! My hair is super-short so I can’t use this method, but what a time saver for you lucky ladies with pretty, long hair. I’d love to wake up with nice curly curls, ready for the day. You’ll have to take a picture of your hair, Rhonda, after you try this again. Bet it’s super cute!
Susan, yes, you’re right…guess this wouldn’t work so well for short hair. Some people with short hair just use styling lotion and let it dry naturally. Others use a hair dryer. How do you style yours? Any tips for those with short hair?
I’ll see if I can take a snapshot. I was just super busy today. 🙂
Laura Sampson
How neat! I’ll have to try this sometime.
Yes, I was more impressed with today’s results…starting off with clean, slightly damp hair. Perfect if you want curls to last a couple of days…I imagine by day two you would have “waves” that are just about right.
Laura Sampson
I can’t believe it! I will definitely have to try it. You’re hair is really curly! ;o)
Yes, and after a little practice, it’s quite a fast process to do and the curls last a couple of days…I actually like it the second and sometimes the third day when it’s just a little wavy.
It’s probably not the best technique for “all” hair types, but you definitely should try it!
Dawn P
Looks like it would also be a quick, easy way to keep longer hair off one’s neck in the summer!
Rhonda White
Yes, you could actually wear your hair wrapped in the headband during the day, and then unwrap it to go to church for the evening.
Don’t get discouraged…it takes a little practice…and gets easier each time. I can do it in about 3 minutes now. I’ve learned to do bigger chunks at a time so that the curls don’t get so tiny and frizzy.