Psalm 34:8 says, “O taste and see that the LORD is good: blessed is the man that trusteth in Him.“
In this Bible verse, there are two important action verbs… TASTE and SEE.
To “taste” something, you have to put a bite of substance into your mouth. To “see” something, you have to open your eyes and take a look. Both “taste” and “see” require a little action on our part to gain the benefits.
Are you missing out on the goodness of the Lord?
God wants us to put our faith to the test. He wants to prove Himself. When we do, we will see that He is good!
When we trust God, we will also be blessed. God’s Word says in Psalms 34:8, “blessed is the man that trusteth in Him.”
Are you opening your eyes to clearly see and appreciate every little thing our Heavenly Father gives to you?
If you feel that God hasn’t been good to you, then you are not tasting and seeing God’s handiwork in your life!
The pillow that you lay your head on at night… the comb that you pick up to run through your hair in the morning… the rug underneath your feet… the dirty dishes you washed BECAUSE you had food… that breath that you just took are all a part of the goodness and mercies of the Lord.
Please don’t take the tiny things for granted!
Are you fully trusting the Lord?
We are blessed indeed just being a part of the family of God…but remember that when you “trust” in God you will be even more blessed!
We fail miserably when we depend on ourselves and try to do everything in our own strength. Those who put their dependence totally on God are not weak…. they are strong… they are happy… they are blessed. How do I know? Because God’s Word says so! 🙂
I saw a quote on Facebook this morning that sums this up very well, “Those who leave everything in God’s hands will eventually see God’s hands in everything.”
O taste and see that the LORD is good: blessed is the man that trusteth in Him. – Psalms 34:8
God bless your week ahead,
*Updated 5/7/2019 / Originally posted November 4, 2015