If you’re looking for something SUPER SIMPLE to make… AND you hate slaving over a hot stove… AND you love to use your crockpot… then, here’s a winner! How about trying “Crockpot Chicken Tacos“?
Macaroni and Cheese Revolution – Recipe
How many of you LOVE macaroni and cheese? I’ve loved it since my young childhood days. I vowed that ONE DAY… I would eat an entire box of mac & cheese all by myself! Unfortunately (or fortunately) I never conquered that goal. But, I still love the stuff especially with little dashes of Louisiana Hot Sauce sprinkled on top! Whewee! It comes to life. 🙂 Anyway, here’s an easy homemade recipe for creating your own macaroni and cheese… Plus, a few more featured resources below, including “Breakfast Mac and Cheese” Macaroni and Cheese Revolution 2 cups dried pasta 2 1/2 cups milk (Use skim if you want to cut back…
Broccoli Bacon Salad Recipe – And Story of My First Encounter with Broccoli
“In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.” ~ I Thessalonians 5:18 I have a passion for broccoli… I remember the first time I experienced the green flowery vegetable… In 5th grade, the school cafeteria ladies placed a nice, generous spoonful of green stuff on my lunch tray. Peering at it in cooked form, I wondered what it would offer my taste buds? At my seat, I finally tasted the new addition to my lunch tray. I wasn’t pleased. I mustered up enough strength to eat about three bites. So as not to offend the lunch cafeteria ladies, I squeeeeeeeeezed my…
7 Wonderful Ways to Enjoy Watermelon
different ways to enjoy watermelon this summer. Here’s some suggestions you might try for variety. 1. Bacon and watermelon – What? This can’t be good, can it? It can be if you make an appetizer that “looks like sushi.” Bake the bacon at 375 degrees for about 15 minutes. You do not want the bacon to be crispy. Spread cream cheese on the bacon and then wrap it around 11/2 inch cubes of watermelon and place a toothpick into the bites to hold the bacon in place. 2. Watermelon pizza – Using a premade pizza crust, spread strawberry flavored cream cheese onto the crust in an even layer. Place small…
Unusual – Delicious Homemade Ice Cream & Frozen Treats