activated charcoal benefits and uses #naturalhealth #activatedcharcoal

Activated Charcoal Benefits and Uses

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Activated Charcoal Benefits and Usesactivated charcoal benefits and uses #naturalhealth #activatedcharcoal

If you browse health articles online, you’ve probably heard of activated charcoal. Today, I’m share some information about what activated charcoal is, how it’s made, what it comes from, and of course, the benefits and uses of activated charcoal.

What is Activated Charcoal?

what is activated charcoal [photo]

It’s not uncommon to see activated charcoal mentioned as being used for things like teeth whitening, or maybe you’ve been on
Amazon and seen a container of charcoal being sold as a mask or facial scrub.

It’s true! Activated charcoal is amazing for health and beauty, but its original purpose was a little different.

Activated charcoal is actually a type of activated carbon that is processed into a powder substance. Its purpose is to help trap the toxins that are in the body so that they can be drawn out or flushed through other meant, in order for your body to stop absorbing them.

Where it Comes From

Activated charcoal can be made from different sources, but when it’s being processed for the purpose of health and beauty, it typically comes from more natural and healthy sources. This often includes coconut shells, coconut husk, and other nut shells.

Its Original Use

Before activated charcoal was used for natural beauty and health purposes as it is used for now, it was used to help people who were struggling with alcohol and drug overdoses, as well as alcohol poisoning. It would help to stop the toxins from affecting the body too much, and was actually found in trauma centers in various countries. As you will see in this blog post, it also has a lot of other medical uses.

Activated Charcoal Uses

Here’s just a few ways you can use activated charcoal powder to start helping with various health and beauty issues.

Whiten Your Teeth with Activated Charcoal

activated charcoal for teeth

This is probably one of the most popular and well-known uses for activated charcoal as far as beauty and health is concerned. You’ll see activated charcoal often advertised specifically for a natural teeth whitening options, where it claims to remove stains and lighten the color of your teeth.

A common question with using activated charcoal for whitening teeth is how exactly does it work? The main benefit to using this type of charcoal powder is that it can actually balance the pH levels in your mouth. This not only helps to remove stains, but it can help with general oral health, so it’s good either way.

With whitening your teeth, the activated charcoal helps to absorb the plaque on your teeth that is leading to staining. As with any other natural teeth whitening option, it’s not going to work perfectly for everyone, but since it doesn’t pose any major side effects, it is definitely worth a try!

How to Use Activated Charcoal for Whitening You Teeth – If you want to give activated charcoal a try for whitening your teeth, you should have a toothbrush you use only for this purpose. It’s going to stain your brush and will be hard to clean out, so don’t use your regular toothbrush. As another tip, store some activated charcoal in a small container that will be used just for your teeth.

You will open up your charcoal container, then dip your toothbrush in water. Give it a shake so there isn’t a lot of water on it, then dip it into the charcoal. You can now just brush your teeth as you normally would, paying good attention to the front of your teeth. When you spit it out, you might want to get a little water to swish around. You can then continue to rinse your mouth until your spit is completely clear.

Be extra careful with charcoal while brushing your teeth with it, since it might stain your clothing. It’s a good idea to wear a t-shirt that you don’t care too much about.

Featured Product:

Food Grade Activated Charcoal Powder – Bulk 2 LB bag – Amazing Natural Body Detox, Teeth Whitening Solution, Skin Cleanser, Blackhead Remover, Impurity Filter, Odor Eliminator, DIY Peel Off Mask

It Helps With Skin and Hair

activated charcoal for skin and hair

Activated charcoal also has some great uses for beauty, including your skin and hair. You can actually buy natural products for your skin or hair that has activated charcoal in it, or you can make your own with the charcoal powder.

The exact same powder you buy for other uses, including teeth whitening, can usually be used for making your own product. Since it’s a powder, it is good to add to different DIY face scrubs, adding in some other natural products as well. You can also make your own mask by adding natural ingredients like honey and essential oils, or just water to turn it into a paste.

You can also add a tiny bit to your shampoo and use it for your hair, ***but be careful if you have light hair. There’s a slight risk of it causing discoloration. You can try testing a small area of your hair underneath, behind your neck.

Use it to Detox Your Body

activated charcoal for detoxing the body

As indicated earlier, activated charcoal can also be used to help detox your body. Its ability to stop toxins from further damaging your body is incredibly useful.

There are capsules of activated charcoal that you can try taking in order to help detox your body, or you can remove toxins by applying the powder to your skin after mixing it with water to create a paste. Some people are adding the power to juice or lemonade, and calling it black lemonade”.

*As a disclaimer: Just make sure you talk to your doctor before ingesting this, and be wary of other medications you are taking along with the charcoal.

Reduce Gas and Bloating

According to the Journal of Gastroenterology, you can also try taking activated charcoal if you are experiencing gas or bloating. You should talk to your doctor or a health practitioner to discuss dosing, but you typically want to take it before a meal that might produce, as opposed to after you already have gas.

*Important note: Make sure you are drinking plenty of water with, before, and after taking the activated charcoal.

Tips for Using Activated Charcoal

If you are planning on trying out activated charcoal to see if it works for you, the following tips can be useful.

Be Careful With Other Medications

using activated charcoal with other medicines

Activated charcoal has not been studied enough with other medications to know if it’s dangerous, so it is best that you practice caution. Not only should your doctor know if you are considering taking it, especially by ingestion, but you don’t want to take it with other medications. This includes prescription and over-the-counter drugs.

Watch Out for the Mess

charcoal mess

Charcoal in powder form can get very messy, so be careful! (Storing it in a jar with a lid is one tip for making it easier to access.)

If you are using it for a face mask, body scrub, or to whiten your teeth, never wear your nice clothes when using it. Even if you are super careful, there’s still a risk of getting it on your clothes. Either wear old clothes you wear when dying your hair or painting, or just wear a towel or bath robe.

It’s a good idea to have an old towel in your bathroom when using the charcoal for this use specifically, since that might get stained as well. Also be careful about spilling it on your sink or counter tops, as some materials might stain.  (When mixing, you can try putting wax paper underneath.)

Don’t Ingest it Daily

ingesting activated charcoal

While activated charcoal has a ton of uses for removing various bacteria and toxins from your body, it isn’t good to use on a daily basis if you are ingesting it. While it does stop toxins, it could also keep good nutrients from being absorbed in your body as well. Too much activated charcoal in your body could actually make you ill from malnutrition. Best to use it only occasionally for detoxing.

Drink Plenty of Water With it

drink water with activated charcoal

Another tip to follow when using activated charcoal by ingestion is to drink a LOT of water when taking it. The powder can be hard to go down and get stuck in your throat if you aren’t careful. Drink LOTS of water before, during, and after using the charcoal.

Rinse Your Mouth Well

rinse mouth well after ingesting activated charcoal

Also be careful to rinse your mouth really well any time you brush your teeth to whiten them with activated charcoal, or when you take it by mouth with water. You should keep rinsing your mouth until you can swish water, spit it out, and it is completely clear. Depending on how much you’ve had of it in your mouth or on your teeth, this can take a few minutes of rinsing. (Be patient, it will come clean.)

Precautions and Side Effects of Activated Charcoal

side affects of activated charcoal

It’s really important that you use activated charcoal safely. Always do your own research, and use it the way others have successfully used it. This goes for any type of natural remedy that is not recommended directly by your doctor or a natural health practitioner. While it has not shown to have severe side effects, the studies are still in their beginning stages.

Potential Side Effects

The good news is that the side effects aren’t too extreme. They can also vary by person, and depending on what you used the charcoal for. Naturally, a risk for using it for whitening your teeth is that it might make your tongue a little black, especially if you are brushing your tongue with it or not rinsing properly. You can reduce the risk by only brushing your teeth, never your tongue, and rinsing well each time.

There are some other side effects people have reported, which include

– Black or darker stools when ingesting the charcoal
– Having vomiting or diarrhea (perhaps due to the detoxification process in your body??)
– Constipation (perhaps due to not drinking sufficient water with it??)
– If you are using it too much, it could lead to gastrointestinal blockages as well. This is why you need to pay close attention to the proper dosage if you are ingesting the charcoal for health purposes.

Risks to be Aware of:

Activated charcoal when used for health or beauty is typically from all-natural sources like coconut husks, but you should still practice caution and know of the risks.

Here are additional things to keep in mind…

– You should not be taking activated charcoal with medications, unless directed by your doctor.

– Avoid ingestion of charcoal during pregnancy or while breastfeeding without talking to your doctor first.

– Do not give activated charcoal to children without asking your pediatrician.

– Take only small doses first to see how your body reacts.

In general, natural remedies are meant to have very few side effects and risks, but you should always be extra careful when trying anything new.

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