So, I thought this would be a perfect time to share some home remedies to avoid colds and flu this winter.
Prevention using home remedies can be a good method to use if you’re around some one who is sick, or you’re starting to feel the signs of coming down with something.
*Important Side Note: If you believe you have the flu and you are getting worse instead of improving, don’t wait to contact your doctor! The flu can have serious consequences. This isn’t the time to keep experimenting on what will help.
I know there’s no 100% full-proof prevention methods, but we can do our best to avoid it…
Let’s Talk About Vitamins…
You have probably heard of Vitamin C for cold prevention and treatment, but have you heard of Vitamin D?
The latest research shows that Vitamin D (particularly D3) is important in staving off colds and flu. (This may be because the lack of sunlight in the winter creates a Vitamin D deficiency, and supplements are needed to keep the immune system in top shape.)
*You can take a D3 supplement, and/or eat foods rich in this vitamin, such as: eggs, liver, salmon, and mushrooms.
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Vitamin C – Still Relevant
Vitamin C is still an important cold and flu prevention vitamin.
Foods that are high in Vitamin C include: citrus fruits, peppers (bell and chili), parsley, dark leafy greens, and strawberries.
Many of these foods are out of season during cold and flu time, so if you do get these foods at your grocery store they will not only be more expensive – they will also be less likely to contain their full allotment of Vitamin C. This is largely due to long shipment times during which the Vitamin C decreases in the foods. Therefore, a daily supplement might be a good idea.
Get More Rest
Have you noticed that you seem to get sick at the most inopportune times? This may be because when you are under stress and have a lot of things to get done, your immune system gets stressed and weakened.
Getting enough rest is key to staying healthy. You may think you don’t have time to get enough sleep or rest, but unless you allow for the time, you may find you have to take a lot more down time being sick!
Big tip: Avoid saying “yes” to any extra projects when your family is struggling with colds and flu. Especially if you’re the caretaker, take care of yourself too!
Consume More Herbs
The popular cold and flu herb, echinacea, is not generally recommended as a daily preventative. You can take it if you think you’ve been exposed and keep taking it for a month or so; but experts warn that echinacea tends to lose its effectiveness if taken for more than a month at a time.
The good news is, there are other herbs you can use to keep your immunity working well this winter – and they are probably in your home kitchen…
* Ginger – This anti-inflammatory herb is tasty, spicy, and said to be a great cold and flu preventer. You can drink a cup of fresh ginger tea every day, and/or include this herb in your cooking.
* Garlic – Garlic is another herb that is sometimes used along with ginger in Asian cooking. Sprinkle minced, chopped, or crushed garlic liberally in daily recipes, or mix it with olive oil for a healthy dip for bread. You can also take garlic in capsule form. It’s been shown to be a powerful anti-viral, anti-bacterial herb.
>> Recipe: Here’s a recipe that my hubby and I really like that’s super easy to make. Spaghetti with Garlic, Olive Oil and Chili Flakes (I use low-carb spaghetti pasta)
Enjoy Some Raw Honey
Truly (local) raw honey can really help with cold and flu prevention – studies have shown that one tablespoon a day prevents cold in children and a larger dose for adults. If you don’t like it plain, put raw honey on toast or swirl it into hot herbal tea.
Your turn comment…what do you do to prevent or alleviate cold and flu symptoms during the winter season?