Today’s Bible passage is Mark 12:30 (kjv) which says, “And thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind, and with all thy strength: this is the first commandment.”

The question I wanted to present to you today is…
How Much Do You Love the Lord?
Is it enough that you’ve spoken to Him in prayer today?
Is it enough that you craved His Word by reading your Bible today?
Is it enough that you have included Him this week in all your decisions?
Is it enough that you thank and praise Him continually?
Is it enough that you’ve chosen to please Him instead of doing something that you should not do?
Is it enough to lay your life down for His sake?
In John 21:15 to 17, we learn that Jesus asked Peter three times, “Lovest thou me?”
Peter responds in a positive way each time, but is grieved by the third time that Jesus questions him. Each time Jesus also urges Peter to “feed my sheep.”
In his pastoral ministry, Peter did faithfully continue feeding the Word of God, ministring to the church and spreading the gospel…and, he faithfully sacrificed his own life in martyrdom (as Jesus had stated in John 21:18 and 19).
We all know of Peter’s past failure, when he denied the Lord Jesus three times. Peter was a work in progress. Peter’s love for the Lord grew more in time.
You and I are also a work in progress. Some days I have shameful failures. And, I suspect you have your failures from time to time. But, as we grow in grace and in love with our Lord Jesus, we should find ourselves growing more faithfully in our service to God in our daily lives.
You and I should also be busy feeding others the Word of God by sharing the gospel and encouraging our brothers and sisters in Christ with the Word of God.
Don’t forget to LOVE God today. Let’s keep growing in LOVE with our Heavenly Father more and more!
Keep walking in faith,
by Rhonda White
Updated: April 16, 2021. Originally posted May 19, 2013.
Thank you so much for these devotionals! It’s really hard to find a women’s devotional that focuses on scripture, so I’m thankful that I found this one!
Lydia, thank you so much for your encouragement. I appreciate you taking the time to read the devotionals here.
Thank you Ms. White for letting the Lord use you to touch our hearts. Your devotions are always a blessing. God bless you and continue to use you.
Sandy, I appreciate your encouraging comment. Thank you so much!
Very good encouragement
Malik, Thank you very much for stopping by to read!