Now that many have begun the quest to choose more natural options, they are turning away from the sources of chemicals and pollution that have been accepted for so long in society.
Thankfully, this has given rise to the demand for a biological cleanse; therefore, this post will be exploring how you can use apple cider vinegar (ACV) to cleanse your body and system of impurities.
Side note: Make sure to use a good, quality apple cider vinegar for internal use. Braggs Apple Cider Vinegar with the Mother (my referral link) is one of the best ACV products you can get.
ACV Stimulates Lymph Action
One of the primary ways that the body can detoxify, is through action of the lymph system. While there are some physical ways to stimulate this action, anyway we can help boost this process in our body is advisable because a cleaner system means a less-taxed system.
You will feel better because your body will be running more efficiently and gaining more energy from healthier foods and fats. There are many simple ways to detox your body inside and out…and apple cider vinegar (ACV) is one simple product you can begin using to use to rid toxins from your body.
Detoxify Your Skin with ACV
People often forget that your skin is the largest organ of the body. If that’s the case, then that means that it would be a very important organ to take care of in more ways than just rinsing it off every day or so. This is where apple cider vinegar can be very handy.
ACV contains acids that promote circulation and dissolves residue found on the surface of the skin…
Sidenote: It’s also highly anti-inflammatory, so you can use it to treat bites and bruises as well. For a quick sunburn remedy, similar to the affects of aloe, add some vinegar to a lukewarm or cool bath and soak in it for 10-20 minutes.
Use ACV as a Toner:
3 parts green tea (brew 1 cup of water with 2 tea bags of green tea)
1part ACV
(My typical mix: ¾ cup of green tea + ¼ cup of ACV)
Mix together. Store in a glass bottle in the bathroom and apply with a cotton ball after cleansing your face for a good facial deep cleaning.
*I keep this mixture in my bathroom cabinet and use it each night after cleansing my face.
How to Take a Simple Detox Bath with ACV
Make a warm bath and put one to two cups of apple cider vinegar into the water; soak for about 20 minutes. (For extra detoxing power, add in a cup or two of Epsom salt.)
An ACV detox bath will make your skin soft and dissolve stubborn dead skin. It will also balance the pH of the surface of your skin, making it healthier as a result. The acids in the vinegar will also encourage new skin growth and stimulate better circulation.
Sidenote: Consistency pays off! Take a detox bath once per week and drink small amounts of ACV regularly.
>> ACV also helps heal bruises, razor bumps, and can also be used as an awesome hair cleanse. (It also helps with buildup and dandruff on the scalp.) Just keep a bottle of ACV diluted with distilled water handy in your cabinet. [ 2 to 4 TB of ACV in one cup of distilled water — if using on your hair, experiment with the amount of ACV that works best for your hair.]
ACV Helps to Control Candida Yeast
One of the most common problems among people, who suffer from symptoms like bad breath and difficulty digesting food, is that they could have an overabundance of candida yeast and not even know it.
Ingesting apple cider vinegar helps kill candida yeast and helps your body to promote a more well-balanced population of gut flora.
Many people who suffer from candida yeast will think that they have celiac disease, so this could possibly remedy a host of issues.
Sidenote: It’s HIGHLY recommended that if you have an issue with candida that you cut back on sugar intake (at least for a while) and drink some apple cider vinegar at least once a day. This will also reduce bowel inflammation.
Here’s a little recipe that I use to swallow my ACV every day — I swiped the recipe from the Trim Healthy Mama group.
My ACV Daily Drink:
2 TB of ACV (You can start out with only 1 TB and work your way up.)
1 pinch of pink Himalayan sea salt
1 tsp. powdered collagen (optional)
A small squirt of vanilla extract
¼ tsp. of caramel extract flavor (or less)
1 TB stevia (or to your preferred sweetness — add or minus)
*If you prefer a citrus flavor, I suggest adding a ¼ tsp. of orange extract instead of the caramel extract.
Mix all ingredients into your cup. Add a couple of cups of cold water… mix thoroughly. Add lots of ice. Sip and enjoy.
I put my drink in this plastic mug like this one….
The Pioneer Woman Simple Homemade Goodness 16-Ounce Charming Check Double-Wall Mason Jar with Lid and Handle, Set of 2 (My referral link)
How Apple Cider Vinegar Can Help With Weight Loss
Weight loss can seem like it’s nearly impossible for some people. With all the fad diets and meal plans that are currently dominating the internet, it can be hard to know what you can do to achieve your health goals.
One thing I have learned is that cutting out sugar products and processed foods are at the top of the list when it comes to slimming down a bit.
Of course, I’ll share how ACV can be an added tool in weight management…
ACV Can Help Reduce Fat Storage
When studies on apple cider vinegar were first being conducted, it was being given to rats so that the doctors could test and monitor blood sugar and weight gain.
During the testing, the rats didn’t gain any significant weight even though their bodies produced chemicals that are usually associated with weight gain. This is good news for people who are looking to lose weight but can’t because the food they eat is stored in the form of fat almost immediately.
ACV Can Lower Your Blood Sugar
Studies have shown that apple cider vinegar can help to control and regulate your blood sugar and keep it at a more efficient range for fat burning.
Blood sugar spikes are the primary cause of organ damage and other complications that are diabetes related!
A person with diabetes could benefit greatly from being able to avoid an organ damaging blood-sugar spike. For the best results, fill a cup and add 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar. Drink the water 10 – 30 minutes before you eat. (I’ll also be sharing some tasty recipes for ACV drinks, further down this post.) *This also helps with digestion if you drink it before your meal.
If you do this every day, you will keep your body in a healthier blood sugar range and will likely lose weight over time.
ACV Can Help Regulate Insulin Signals
When insulin spikes, it can trigger fat storage signals which will result in immediate weight gain. In recent studies, scientists were able to prove that apple cider vinegar can lower the levels of insulin in the body.
ACV not only helps to keep your insulin from spiking, but also raises the presence of a hormone called glucagon that sends messages to the body that it should release fat to be burned for energy.
This is a good thing for weight loss because insulin levels have a lot to do with losing weight. When your insulin level is lower, your body is more likely to begin to burn fat because the hormone glucagon sends messages to the body to use the fat you’ve stored for energy.
This is also an important find that can help people to become healthier and even prevent type 2 diabetes.
Help on Consuming more Apple Cider Vinegar to Detox the Body
Salad Dressings with ACV
A great mixture of greens should give you the majority of the nutrients that you need to keep energized and ready to take on the day, but salad dressing can make or break this leafy goodness…. nothing beats a dressing that has strong nutritional benefits, so I’ll share a few recipes with you.
Simple Oil and Vinegar
If you’re making your own dressing for the first time, then this recipe will be a great place to start. This is the simplest dressing on this list, so it’s a great choice if you’re in a crunch for time — and can be made on the go. Another great thing about this simple dressing is that it has enough flavor to help make some bitter types of greens more palatable.
- 1 cup apple cider vinegar
- 1 cup olive or grapeseed oil
- 4 tbsp honey or pure maple syrup (I opt to use stevia to sweeten to taste — or leave out the sweetener.)
- 1/2 tsp of pink Himalayan salt and a couple of dashes of pepper
Oil and Vinegar with Herbs
If you want to add variety to this recipe, that would be super easy! You can add a tablespoon or two of Parmesan cheese to give it a bolder, more intense flavor. The following recipe is below.
- 1 cup apple cider vinegar
- 1 cup extra virgin olive oil
- 4 tbsp honey or pure maple syrup (I opt to use stevia to sweeten to taste — or leave out the sweetener.)
- Fresh juice from 1 lemon
- 1 teaspoon basil, parsley, and/or oregano
Ginger, Oil and Vinegar
This dressing has great flavor, and is the best dressing on this list for those of you who would like to avoid eating any kind of sugar with your dressing. Between the apple cider vinegar and the ginger, your salad will be packed full of health beneficial vitamins and minerals, as well as immune boosting nutrients.
- 1 cup apple cider vinegar
- 1/2 cup extra virgin olive oil
- 1/2 cup sesame oil
- 4 tbsp fresh grated ginger
- 2 tsp fresh lemon juice
- 2 tsp minced garlic
What to Add to Your Apple Cider Vinegar Drinks
Very few people realize that there are options other than simply drinking Apple Cider Vinegar in a glass of water. There are ACV drinks can be quite delicious. Below, I’m sharing a few apple cider vinegar drink recipes… (**Don’t forget about my own daily ACV drink that I shared earlier in this post! I really enjoy it!)
*Sidenote: My own personal tip is to drink it super cold.. add LOTS of ice! 🙂
Lemon Water ACV Drink
This classic drink should do a bit of work once it hits your stomach as many of the ingredients have the ability to trigger metabolic function and arouse parts of the system that control weight loss…all the while helping your body to detox.
- 1 cup of water
- 5 tbsp raw apple cider vinegar
- 5 tbsp fresh squeezed lemon juice
- 1/2 tsp ground cinnamon
- 1 pinch cayenne pepper (optional, but highly recommended health-wise)
- Honey or apple juice (optional — again, I personally use stevia as a sweetener)
Cranberry and ACV
Cranberry is famous for the way it helps with the urinary tract, helps to lower and improve your blood pressure, and gives you a massive dose of antioxidants. This apple cider vinegar drink is pretty simple and inexpensive. You can even add a small amount of mint to the mix to liven things up.
- 1 cup cold water
- ¾ cup cranberry juice
- splash of lime juice
- 5 tbsp apple cider vinegar
Throat Magic Hot ACV Detox
This recipe requires a small amount of effort because you will need to heat or boil some of the ingredients. Boil some water and drop in the cloves, and cinnamon. After the mixture cools to a drinkable temperature, add the apple cider vinegar. (*Combine the vinegar with warm water for a sore throat gargle rinse. It soothes the sore throat and the acidic environment helps to kill infection bacteria.)
- 2 cinnamon sticks
- 4 cloves
- 1 ½ cups of water
- 2 tbsp ACV
- 3 tbsp honey
Grapefruit ACV
Grapefruit is well-known for its great health benefits. When you pair it with apple cider vinegar, you get a lot more of those attributes all in one place!
- 1 1/2 cups grapefruit juice
- 1 tbsp raw organic ACV
- Honey or apple juice (optional, again, I have a preference for stevia to sweeten my drinks)
- Sparkling water
- Ice
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