It’s summertime and I just LOVE a fresh, juicy watermelon.
But, have you ever gone to buy a watermelon, hauled it home, heaved it inside the fridge to chill, only to slice it open and be extremely disappointed by the sight?
Sometimes you’ll discover a watermelon that’s all whitish and barely pink. Instantly you know you got the bad end of the deal with your purchase.
At other times, you might have sliced open a watermelon and it’s so seedy that you can barely enjoy the pleasure of eating it. Maybe you even got one that was too sour or worse, mushy?
What a disappointment!
From the outside, a watermelon can often look luscious and healthy. Perhaps we have our collection of tips and tricks for selecting the best ripe fruits, but still end up in disappointment at times because we simply cannot know what’s underneath the exterior until we slice it open or take that first bite.

I Samuel 16:7 (kjv) says, “…for the LORD seeth not as man seeth; for man looketh on the outward appearance, but the LORD looketh on the heart.”
Sometimes we measure others by what we see from their outward appearance, or perhaps by what talents they possess. We might also, unwisely, compare ourselves with others from these outward standards.
Thankfully, God looks beyond the outward appearance and sees the heart. We ALL have the same potential to become spiritually ripened Christians…and to be fully what God wants us to be.
I Samuel 16:7 was referring back to David, when God directed Samuel to go find and anoint the future king. David was just a young shepherd boy at this time in life. He certainly didn’t have the stature and appearance of a future king, nor did he fully possess all of the knowledge and ability for that role yet.
Here’s just a few personal questions to consider…
Have you solely relied on your talents and outward appearance of being spiritual to impress others? If someone were to peer inside your heart, would they be disappointed? Are you reaching your full potential?
Remember, our minds and hearts take time to grow spiritually and in wisdom… We’re ALL a work in process.
A watermelon seed starts off small and practically useless. As it begins to grow, there is still much work ahead…
Watermelons need 8 hours of daily sunlight and LOTS of water each week. When they don’t get enough sunlight and water, they will produce less sweetness and are often smaller in size. Proper fertilization, plus nutrients (such as magnesium, calcium, boron, zinc, copper, iron, etc.) also play a role in producing a perfectly-textured and sweet watermelon.
You and I need much work to become spiritually mature. We need daily watering and feeding of God’s Word and much dependence on God, Who will nurture us to become developed to our full potential.
Don’t compare yourself to others – wherever you are at this moment! We don’t know what’s truly underneath other people’s exterior. We are, however, accountable for our own spiritual growth and growing to our full potential with God’s help.
God is abundantly merciful and doesn’t give up on you and I either!
If you’re in a whithering state today, accept God’s tender care and love. He is eager to nurture you to your full potential. Sit down and commit to a full-growth plan! Get your daily watering in God’s Word and fellowship with Him in prayer.
Keep walking in faith,
by Rhonda White