Sometimes I love surprises… That is, “when” they land in my own favor and advantage. For example, a short while back my hubby brought me home a white rose with baby’s breath. It was totally unexpected because it wasn’t my birthday or anniversary. It was certainly a nice, little surprise.
Some surprises aren’t so delightful. They feel like life just threw you a huge curve ball and landed painfully in your gut. The unexpected can cause havoc and make you feel that life’s spinning out of control.
We might look up in exasperation and a questioning look. “Did you see that God? Why did this happen? Why did you ‘allow’ this to happen?”
From our perspective we just don’t feel so comfortable with these types of surprises. We may question why God wasn’t looking out on our behalf.
And when it rains, sometimes it pours. We just got thrown a curve ball and when we were not looking, another one hits us on the back of the head. Ouch! Life doesn’t seem so fair… especially when you feel you’ve done your best to make all the right choices and do the right things.
God’s Word and His Promises can be such a comfort in times of trials. This Bible verse caught my attention last week…
Jesus answered them, Have not I chosen you twelve, and one of you is a devil? John 6:70 kjv
Jesus chose his twelve disciples. With his choice, did he make an error? Did it leave him surprised that Judas betrayed him?
No, we see that Jesus knew about the evil intent of one of his disciples. Circumstances went way downhill for Jesus as he was led away to begin a torturous death.
Jesus submitted to his Heavenly Father’s will. And thank YOU, Jesus for willingly laying down your life so that all mankind could have the opportunity of everlasting life. (John 3:16)
God had a plan for Jesus, His son. Nothing took Him by surprise. God didn’t fail to protect Jesus when he fell into the hands of the men who nailed him to the cross. It certainly wasn’t an easy journey, but from God’s perspective, He knew how all the pieces of the puzzle would be put together perfectly to complete His plan.
For us, we have to remember the journey is not always easy. Perhaps, the journey is rough most of the time because we do live in a sinful world. But, remember that NOTHING takes God by surprise.
God is able to see the whole picture from His perspective. He has a plan for your life if you will just yield to His will and trust Him daily to complete that plan.
Trust God today. That curve ball that just hit you was no surprise to God!
God bless you and your family,
Rhonda White