40 Day Prayer Challenge

Christians are so occupied with activities, socializing, computers, gadgets… We’re so very sidetracked and distracted away from prayer and the quiet time we should40-Day-Prayer-Challenge.jpg have with the Lord Jesus.

We’re missing out on hearing His small, still voice trying to guide and direct us.  Our thoughts are not on Him as they should be, but instead, it’s on our next meal or activity to do.

Prayer changes things… it changes lives, it changes circumstances, it heals broken hearts, it heals the sick, it calms the storms, it makes the impossible — possible!  There’s power in prayer because we’re speaking to the ONE who has the power to do anything!

I was made aware and stirred to take action on this challenge by a friend on Facebook, Dana Susan Beasley (AngelArts.biz).

The inspiration behind this challenge is brought about by Mark Batterson’s ebook,
Draw the Circle: The 40 Day Prayer Challenge

“The goal of the forty-day prayer challenge isn’t to get what you want by day 40.  In fact, the goal isn’t to get what you want at all.  The goal is to figure out what God wants, what God wills.  Then you start circling it in prayer and don’t stop until God answers.”

[Side Note:] The book mentioned above by Mark Batterson is not KJV based, but I will be using only KJV Bible verses in all my devotions that I share on my blog here.  What I share in my 40 day prayer challenge will be my “own” thoughts that the Lord leads me to share, although I will also share what I read from the book at times. 

It’s NOT necessary to buy the book for you to do the prayer challenge.  I only bought the book because I love reading stories about answered prayer and I’m just seeking to learn more about the topic right now.  I have enjoyed the great quotes about prayer, etc., but again, you’re NOT required to buy the book to participate. 

You can start ANY time by just following through each day.  My posts are just provided for some motivation and to share my thoughts each day about prayer.


This challenge in itself is Biblical… Jesus prayed and fasted 40 days.   The real purpose is to develop a real prayer life — that’s consistent, becoming a life-long habit.

 Here’s some quotes from Mark Batterson’s book…

“The true purpose of prayer is to get into God’s presence so He can outline His agenda for us.”

“If you want God to do something new in you, you cannot keep doing the same old thing.  You have to do something different.”

“When I pray at the beginning of the day, it’s like my whole day becomes a prayer.  When I dial into God’s frequency in the morning, I hear His still, small voice the rest of the day.”

“When you pray to God regularly, irregular things happen on a regular basis.

“Who you know is more important than what you know.  This is certainly true for the children of God.  Who you know — the Heavenly Father — is far more important than what you know.”

“If God can change the heart of Pharaoh, He can help you find favor with anybody and everybody.”

Please join me in the 40 Day Prayer Challenge!

“Pray without ceasing.”

I Thessalonians 5:17

 Day 1 

Start today.  Start learning a bit about prayer by looking up some Bible verses on prayer.  Many of our Bible heroes prayed 3 times a day.  I believe they prayed all through the day…but they also “set apart” a specific time each day to pray without being side-tracked with activity or other distractions.

Determine a specific time and place each day that you will pray.  Today I prayed first thing when I woke up.  All throughout the day, I’m making intentional efforts to pray for others.  I’m also praying for the Holy Spirit’s leading about what He wants me to pray about.

TIP: It’s also suggested that you keep a prayer journal so that you can write down your prayer requests and remember what you’ve been praying about — and to remember to praise God when He answers a prayer.


The 40 Day Prayer Challenge Journal:

 If you’re up to this challenge, please post in the comments section below!  Make an open commitment to make your prayer life a regular habit…and a continual part of your everyday living and breathing.


  • Dana

    Rhonda, you did a beautiful job of describing the 40 day prayer challenge! I’m glad that I stumbled upon it and could let you know! My husband and I are using this challenge together as an opportunity to draw “prayer circles” around our lives so that we can see “irregular” things happen! It already seems to have begun!

    Personally, I pray intentionally from when I first wake up to when I go to bed, but it’s not so easy to pray as a couple. We have some big issues facing us that we want to surrender to God. This is a great way to do that!

    I look forward to seeing more posts! Beautiful job!

    • Rhonda White

      Dana, thank you for your comments!

      Yes, I make praying a part of my daily life, too, but I want to keep growing closer to the Lord in that area. We’re creatures of habit and sometimes we start doing things repetitiously without careful thought like we should.

      I hope to encourage others to pray more than they are now. It is more of a challenge to pray with your family like you do on your own. My boys have grown to be prayer warriors, for that I’m very thankful. My hubby has been a good leader in directing them along that path.

  • Dana

    Absolutely true! Which is why I wanted to try this 40 day challenge! I need revitalizing in my own prayer life as well! The idea of a prayer circle intrigued me. Apparently, it stems from a 1st century Jewish man who saved Israel from drought by drawing a circle around him and vowing to pray in it until God answered his prayer. That is where I think the author got his idea and he put it into practice with amazing results!

  • Jomayra12

    I am up to this challenge but I don’t have a husband I’m a youth I’m 19 years old
    So I was wondering if I can pray for my family on day 14

  • Lee Ann

    Starting this prayer challenge as I anticipate my upcoming 60th birthday. Praying for guidance about what God wants me doing in this next stage of life.

    • Rhonda White

      You’re welcome, Sandra… I hope it encourages you to pray more…and the fact is we all get slack in this area and have to wake ourselves up and get back in our prayer closets to do more praying. 🙂

  • sami white

    Thank you for this challenge! I am so excited to start as there are a lot of things weighing on my heart personally and for our nation!

    • Rhonda White


      God bless you as your start your prayer challenge. There are indeed many trials and issues weighing on hearts these days…especially concerning our nation! Thank you for praying for our country.

  • JM

    I’m so glad I read your article. My wife & I are going through the hardest trial of our 18 year marriage. I believe this prayer challenge is the answer I’ve been seeking. Please pray that my wife will not refuse to join me. I need a miracle to take place. I’ve been praying & fasting but now we need to pray together. Thank you

    • Rhonda White


      Saying a prayer for you all right now!

      This verse comes to my mind right now as “couples” pray together: “For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them.” Matthew 18:20

  • Charmaine

    I am so excited about this challenge. I will promise to complete this challenge and ultimately grow in Christ… Through God All Things Are Possible…

  • Diane

    I’m starting the challenge. I hope to gain a deeper relationship with the Lord. Increasing & making my prayer life vibrant, making my consciousness of Him very aware throughout the day.

  • Julie

    Hi, I have been asked to organise a 40 days 24/7 prayer and fasting for my Church (I have recently been appointed Prayer Ministry Leader for the Church. I am a prayer warrior and continue to pray constantly for all things. However, I have never organised something on this scale and I was wondering if you could give me some ideas. I have already taken some great ideas from this item here thank you which is great. I have the backing of the whole church and they are waiting with great anticipation at what I will be doing. I would be grateful for some guidelines please – it’s quite a task and I have already drawn up a schedule with the dates and times for people to sign up to … do I give them ideas of what to pray for? or do I just give them a list of things that the Church needs prayer for and verses of scripture to support that? or do I leave it to them to ask the leading of the Holy Spirit?? so many questions sorry but I do want to get it right. May you all be blessed in all that you do in the name of Jesus. Amen

  • Naedine Diaz

    Praise the Lord Rhonda,

    I thank the Lord for giving me this site to see this challenge, in Jesus name I ask prayer that God gives me knowledge, strength, growth in His Word and Presence so I can complete this challenge with my family. My husband and I need growth and my children also. I have 6 children and with this pandemic they are always on electronics. I ask prayer that I can do this challenge with my family and may God do a change in our lives.

    God bless you 🙏

    • herChristianHome

      Naedine, So happy for your choice to challenge yourselves with reading your Bible more and growing spiritually with your children! I know God will bless, and your home will be happier! God bless you!

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